Ezra 3

Ezra 3

Series: Ezra, The Providence of God

First Things First: Priorities for God’s People Returning from Exile

Date: May 3, 1992

Note:  There is no manuscript available for this sermon.  Below is the outline, and the audio is available.

Introduction: Whenever you return from a long trip there is always a list of things that need to be done–mail that needs to be answered, bills that need to be paid, maintenance that needs to be done on the house, friends that need to be contacted, etc.  Well, the Jews have been away from home for 70 years.  When they arrive back in the Holy City, what is first on their to-do list?

I.  A rebuilt practice of worship

A.  A renewed unity                 

B.  A renewed commitment

C.  A renewed trust

II.  A rebuilt place of worship

A.  A recovered space

B.  A recovered song

III.  A rebuilt perspective on worship

A.  A recognition of the results of sin

B.  A remembrance of the promises of God

Ezra 5, 6
Ezra 1, 2