Why I Believe in the Bible

Why I Believe in the Bible                         Introduction:  What is the most heinous sin a human being can commit?  Is it brutal, premeditated murder?  Is it the abuse of an innocent child?  Is it gross sexual perversion and cannibalism a la Jeffrey Dahmer?  Is it the annihilation of an entire race, as Hitler attempted to do?  I think we can answer that question if we first ask and answer another one:  What is the only sin that will send a person to Hell, the only sin God refuses to…

The Ordinances of the Church:  Baptism and the Lord’s Supper

Theological Essay: The Ordinances of the Church:  Baptism and the Lord’s Supper Introduction to the ordinances: Jesus gave many exhortations, commands and ethical imperatives to the church, and orthodox Christians consider all His teaching to be equally true and authoritative.  However, two of His commands have been considered “ordinances” or “sacraments” due to their singular nature as perpetual public practices of the church.  Those who use the term “ordinances” generally view baptism and the Lord’s Supper as symbols of grace.  Those who speak of “sacraments”…

The Sabbath: A Requirement or a Choice?

Theological Essay:  The Sabbath: A Requirement or a Choice? Michael P. Andrus August, 2023 Introduction:  The Sabbath is a confusing topic for Christians today. In fact, there are at least four distinct views that evangelicals have taken on the issue of Sabbath observance: (1) Some believe Sabbath observance is required today just as in Moses’ day, and they mean Saturday.  (2) Others accept all the Sabbath requirements but transfer them from Saturday to Sunday, which they call “the Christian Sabbath.”  (3) Still others reject…

Biblical Ethics of Divorce and Remarriage 

Theological Essay:  Biblical Ethics of Divorce and Remarriage  Introduction:  “John Smith, wilt thou have this woman to be thy wedded wife, to live together after God’s ordinance in the holy estate of matrimony? Wilt thou love her, comfort her, honor and keep her in sickness and in health; and forsaking all others, keep thee only unto her, so long as ye both shall live?” “I will.” “I, Susan Jones, take thee, John Smith, to be my wedded husband, to have and…

Speaking in Tongues: The Gift Not Everyone Wants

Speaking in Tongues: The Gift Not Everyone Wants Introduction:  There are many different opinions and a great deal of mistrust between Christians who speak in tongues and those who do not.  My hope is that this article might help us get over some of that mistrust so we can grow in our love and respect for each other.   Bible scholars have been debating for years what Paul means when he refers to the gift of tongues.  In simplest terms, speaking in tongues occurs…