Sermons on Wisdom

Sermons on Wisdom

Job 28

SERIES: The Book of Job The Quest for Wisdom SPEAKER:  Michael P. Andrus Introduction to Scripture reading:  I am a spelunker at heart.  Nothing causes the adrenalin in my body to flow like a cave.  I guess it all began when I was about 9.  We were visiting the Mark Andrews family, who lived way out in the country in western Kirkwood on N. Signal Hills Dr. off Marshall Rd., and their two boys took my brother and me to an old abandoned quarry near…

Psalm 1

SERIES: Psalms: Cries of the Heart The Cry of Delight SPEAKER: Paul T. Stolwyk Introduction: Rob had just returned from his first business trip working with a large brewery in our city.  He had a co-worker in the engineering department look over his expense report before he turned it in to his supervisor.  Since it was his first report, he wanted to make sure he had done everything correctly.  His co-worker noticed that he was planning to return the extra cash he had been…

1 Samuel 25

SERIES: Leadership in Hard Times How to Lead When You’re Not the Leader SPEAKER: Michael P. Andrus For the past three or four months we have been devoting our Sunday morning Bible study time to the OT historical book of 1 Samuel.  I entitled this series, “Leadership in Hard Times.”  The leaders we have examined–both good and bad–have been men, but this morning we come to a passage which focuses upon the leadership of a woman.  She is not well-known, even to serious…

1 Kings 1-4

Solomon: “Give Your Servant a Discerning Heart” Introduction:  We’re going to begin today with a little quiz.  I want you to take a pen or pencil and write something on your worship folder.  Suppose I was in a position to give you any three wishes your little heart desired, what would they be?  That’s right.  Anything you want.  Write it down.  You don’t have to show it to anyone else–this is just between you and the Lord.  Have you got it?  Now just set it aside; we’ll come back…

James 1:1-12

When Troubles Pile Up Note:  Most of this series was preached in Wichita; this sermon, however, was delivered in St. Louis.   Introduction:  For the next several months, Lord willing, we will be mining one of the mother lodes of practical Christianity, the Epistle of James.  Some in the early church questioned whether this book was up to par with the rest of Scripture, and Martin Luther was quite sure it wasn’t, but the dominant view of the church has always been that while…