Sermons on Training

Sermons on Training

Exodus 31:1-11

You Belong in GTC! SPEAKER: Michael P. Andrus Introduction:  When our older son, Eddie, was just starting school several teachers told us, “You ought to have this kid tested because he’s way ahead of his age level.”  So we did.  And the school psychologist came back with her verdict:  he belongs in GTC!  Well, that was music to the ears of young parents, for GTC was a special program in the Wichita School District for gifted, talented, and creative children.   Even though Eddie had to be…

1 Cor. 9:24‑27

Spiritual Olympics SCRIPTURE: 1 Cor. 9:24‑27                                                                             Introduction: I don’t know about you, but I really enjoy the Olympics when they come around every four years.  I am in awe of the incredible physical ability, stamina, and commitment to training exhibited by world-class athletes.  And thanks to the marvels of modern technology, nearly every event in every sport is available around the clock on TV or on the Internet.  I heard about a guy who said his son was already in training for the…