Sermons on Tongue

Sermons on Tongue

James 1:19-27

When Religion Is Worthless (or, I Believe in Christian Living) I have given two titles to my sermon today.  The first is When Religion Is Worthless, the reason for which title will become clear as we go through the text.   The second is I Believe in Christian Living.  I want to explain where the second comes from.  As you will recall, we did a two-month series in April and May on our proposed new EFCA Statement of Faith, called This We Believe.  I took the eight major topics…

James 3:1-12

Tongue in Check Introduction:  When I was a kid and my mom took me to the doctor, the first thing he would say, no matter what the problem, was “Stick out your tongue!”  Then he would gag me with a little stick.  I believe Dr. James would say the same thing if we went to him concerning some problem with our spiritual health—stick out your tongue!  According to a recent study the average person speaks 18,000 words a day. That is the equivalent of…