Sermons on Shame

Sermons on Shame

2 Timothy 1:8-18

SERIES: Entrusted with the Gospel The Fellowship of the Unashamed SPEAKER:  Michael P. Andrus                             Introduction:  Last Lord’s Day Pastor Josh shared with us very poignantly about how he could relate to Timothy, the young protégée of the Apostle Paul to whom he addresses this powerful personal letter we know as 2 Timothy.  Josh saw in Timothy’s background some of the same family of origins issues which he himself experienced, namely the absence of a godly father in the home.  While Paul praises Timothy’s mother…

John 18, et al

SERIES: The Gospel of John The Amazing Transformation of Rocky Johnson SPEAKER: Michael P. Andrus Introduction:  I would like to preach another biographical message today—this one about a character named Rocky Johnson.  Of all the characters in the NT, other than Jesus, he is probably the best known.  His Jewish name was Simon Barjona.  That last name simply means “son of John,” for “bar” means “son” as in “Bar mitzvah” (Son of the Law).  If he were Scandinavian, his last name would have been John’s…