Sermons on Sadducees

Sermons on Sadducees

Matthew 22:23-33

What Will Family Relationships Be Like in Heaven? Introduction:  Nearly everyone believes in heaven, but when asked what heaven is like, words like mansions, streets of gold, and gates of pearl are about as far as most people can go.  The Bible certainly teaches the existence of heaven, and there is actually a fair amount of descriptive language about it in Revelation 21 and 22.  What we don’t know is how much of that language is literal and how much symbolic; for it…

Luke 19:45 – 20:40

What Do You Do When the Questions Are All Answered? Introduction:  Last Sunday our text from Luke 19 concerned the triumphal entry of Jesus into the city of Jerusalem, which took place on Sunday of the last week of Jesus’ earthly life.  Today we are going to examine the events of Monday and Tuesday of that week, days on which a number of major conflicts erupted between Jesus and the religious leaders of Israel.  Four of these controversies are grouped together by Luke…