Sermons on Revelation

Sermons on Revelation

2 Timothy 3:1-15

Entrusted With the Gospel Religious Sinners in the Last Days SPEAKER:  Michael P. Andrus                                                                                   Introduction:  What is the greatest threat to the church of Jesus Christ in the last days?  Is it secular humanism?  Is it the new atheism?  Is it the ACLU?  Is it government efforts to limit religious freedom?  Is it the movement that seeks to redefine marriage and the sexual mores that have been accepted in principle for 2000 years?  All of these are, in my humble opinion, a threat to biblical Christianity, but not…

2 Timothy 3:16-17

SERIES: Entrusted With the Gospel Can the Bible Be Trusted?   SPEAKER:  Michael P. Andrus                                                                 Introduction:  I want to be very up-front with you this morning.  I am one of those old-fashioned preachers who believes the Bible is free from error–not just in its lofty spiritual affirmations, but in everything it intends to teach.  I have been studying the Bible almost full-time now for 50 years (I started Bible college in 1962), and I haven’t found an error in it yet.  There are some issues I…

John 16:12-15

SERIES: The Gospel of John The Believer’s Spirit Guide SPEAKER: Michael P. Andrus Introduction:  In John 16 we find ourselves listening in on an intimate chat Jesus is having with His disciples in an Upper Room the night before He is to be crucified.  One of His greatest concerns is to convey to His disciples the fact that while He is going to leave them, He is not going to leave them alone. He will send the Holy Spirit to be their permanent and…

Hebrews 1:1-3

The Great Communicator I clearly remember the presidential campaign of 1964, the first time I was able to vote.  I was in college and very interested in politics.  Lyndon Johnson was from my home state of Texas, but to me he was the epitome of the big-spending, big-government liberal.  I became an avid supporter of Barry Goldwater.  I read his speeches, watched him on TV, attended a huge rally for him at the War Memorial in Kansas City, and even got to shake his hand. Goldwater was a really good communicator.  Who will ever…