Sermons on Perserverance

Sermons on Perserverance

Nehemiah 6, 7

Operation Intimidation DATE: April 7, 2019 Note: This was Michael Andrus’ last sermon at First Free in St. Louis, preached in 2019.  It has been inserted into the 1992 series on Nehemiah.  Greetings:  Thank you kindly, Adam, for that introduction.  I listened to John Richardson’s last message in which he said you were turning on the “way back machine” and inviting me to speak.  Well, he’s not far off as it’s been over 15 years since we moved back to Wichita.  I expect this will…

1 Peter 4:7-19

First Priorities in the Last Days If you knew a great disaster was coming how would you prepare for it?  Our passage today talks about a coming disaster and tells us how to prepare: (1 Peter 4:7‑11)  “The end of all things is near. Therefore be clear minded and self‑controlled so that you can pray. {8} Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins. {9} Offer hospitality to one another without grumbling. {10} Each one should…

Revelation 2:1-7

SERIES: Letters from Jesus to Eight Churches To Ephesus:  The Church that Had Everything Right Except the Main Thing We’re going to begin a new series today from the book of Revelation.  Yes, you heard me right, Revelation!  But don’t get too excited, because the portion of Revelation I want us to study for the next two months is not the part filled with strange prophecies and weird symbolism, but rather chapters 2 and 3, where Jesus sends personal letters to the seven…

Revelation 3:7-13

To Philadelphia: The Church of the Faithful Witness In our series on Revelation 2 & 3, we come today to the sixth letter Jesus wrote, the one to the church at Philadelphia.  This is the only one of the seven churches whose name we recognize immediately.  Maybe some of you are wondering why Jesus would write a letter to Philadelphia and not to Boston or New York or Kansas City.  Well, this Philadelphia is not in Pennsylvania but in Turkey.  It is the second-to-last…

Hebrews 6:4-20

Bad News, Good News Introduction: A businesswoman prays to receive Christ after her friend shares the Gospel with her, but soon she becomes disillusioned with church when she hears sermons on topics like Satan, judgment, and same-sex marriage.   A prominent black pastor leaves his Baptist church to become a Muslim, stating that Islam has become the real impetus for social change in the American black community.   A young woman in the Third World faces terrible persecution from her family and…

Hebrews 10:19-25

Privilege Demands Responsibility We have come to the end of the portion of the book of Hebrews that is primarily theological and enter today into the portion that is primarily application.  I say “primarily” because the author has been sharing practical application of his arguments all along, as seen in his frequent warnings and in his numerous encouragements to draw near to God and to persevere in the faith.  But in chapter 10 and verse 19 he uses the word “therefore” to…

Hebrews 10:26-39

Will It Be Apostasy or Perseverance?   Introduction:  The problem of the heathen is one that everyone of us has wrestled with at some point, and I dare say some here this morning probably find it a persistent roadblock to faith.  “What about those who have never heard?  Is it fair for God to send them to Hell?”   I raise that issue today, not because I am going to try to resolve it or even address it directly, but rather to highlight the fact…

Hebrews 12:1-13

The Absolute Supremacy of Jesus Christ Many word pictures are used in the Bible to describe the adventure that is the Christian life.  It is spoken of in agricultural terms (planting and harvesting), military terms (fighting the good fight), stewardship terms (faithful management), and even slavery terms (we are bond slaves to God), but no word picture is used more frequently or effectively than that of the athlete, and particularly the runner.  The author of Hebrews follows up his brilliant exhibition…

2 Cor. 4:13-5:10

Is Your Earth Suit Wearing Out?  In case you have any doubt in your mind, the answer to the question in my sermon title this morning is, “Yes.”  Our bodies begin to deteriorate the moment we’re born, and the rate of deterioration speeds up considerably as time goes on.  Children and teens don’t notice it, of course, but the 30- and 40-something’s are already getting a taste of it, those in their fifties and sixties understand it quite well, and the geezers…

2 Corinthians 6:3-10

Reasonable Fanaticism I have an article I want to read this morning entitled, “It’s a Strange World.”  It’s very relevant to my sermon topic this morning. “Shy sedate, conservative, normally very quiet people scream at the top of their lungs, yell obscenities at the umpire, jump up and down, hug the person sitting next to them whom they have never seen before in their lives, and we call them fans!       Hundreds of thousands of people endure sub-freezing temperatures, and wind-driven rain, sleet,…