Sermons on Oppostion

Sermons on Oppostion

Ezra 4

The Many Faces of Opposition Introduction:  Life can be tough.  Just the ordinary responsibilities of making a living, developing family relationships, putting a kid through college, and keeping two cars running can leave you exhausted at the end of the day.  And if you have a high‑stress job, a child who’s difficult, high balances on your credit cards, and elderly parents who need lots of attention, you may feel at times that you can hardly cope.  But when you add to all that the…

Romans 8:31-39

Secure in God’s Love   Introduction:  I love the mountains.  To me there’s nothing more exhilarating than climbing one of the 14,000-foot mountain peaks in Colorado and feasting on the 360-degree view from the top. There’s a perspective one gets from the top that is unavailable anywhere else.  It’s even better than the view from an airplane because you’re so much closer to it.  Well, Romans is the Himalayan mountain range of the Bible, and chapter 8 is Mount Everest.  It begins with “no condemnation” and ends…