Sermons on Opposition

Sermons on Opposition

Exodus 1:1-22

The Gathering Storm SPEAKER: Michael P. Andrus Introduction:  Kitty Kelley has raised our consciousness level regarding the private lives of famous people of our day, and she has focused attention upon a curious fact—the more you learn about them, the less you like them, even given the fact that half of what is written may be false or exaggerated.  And that’s not just true of Ronald and Nancy Reagan.  Consider Lyndon Johnson, John F. Kennedy, Robert Kennedy, Martin Luther King, and Dwight Eisenhower.  The…

Nehemiah 6, 7

Operation Intimidation DATE: April 7, 2019 Note: This was Michael Andrus’ last sermon at First Free in St. Louis, preached in 2019.  It has been inserted into the 1992 series on Nehemiah.  Greetings:  Thank you kindly, Adam, for that introduction.  I listened to John Richardson’s last message in which he said you were turning on the “way back machine” and inviting me to speak.  Well, he’s not far off as it’s been over 15 years since we moved back to Wichita.  I expect this will…

1 Thessalonians 2:1-12

How the Gospel Impacts the Pastor It’s no secret to any of you that the media loves bad news.  Bad news sells.  Bad news titillates the public.  Bad news can be used as a tool to further personal agendas, as we saw in the recent tragedy in Tuscon, Arizona.  The media particularly likes bad news when it focuses on a politician they don’t like.  The conviction of Tom Delay and the fall of John Edwards received a lot of attention because both men had already…

1 Thessalonians 2:13-16

How the Church Receives the Gospel Consider this quote from Graham Cole. “When it comes to the problem of evil, the Bible is not as interested in the arrival of evil as it is in the survival of evil.” The problem of evil simply put is this. How can a God who is perfectly loving, powerful, and just allow evil, pain, sickness, death, hardship, and conflict to exist? We are faced with these things on a daily basis. And these…