Sermons on Light

Sermons on Light

Psalm 27

 SERIES: Psalms, Cries of the Heart The Cry of Fear SPEAKER: Michael P. Andrus Introduction:  It’s a delight to be back worshiping with you this morning for the first time since June 15.  I want to thank you for praying for me during my travels, and particularly during the past three weeks when I was in Venezuela.  I sensed your prayers many times, and I credit those prayers for the fact that we experienced no mishaps and no illnesses to speak of.  I also…

John 1:1-5

SERIES: The Gospel of John The Gospel Par Excellence SPEAKER: Michael P. Andrus Introduction:  Today we begin a new series on the Gospel of John.  After a lifetime of study of this book, one scholar calls it “the most amazing book ever written.  It is a pool in which a child can wade and an elephant can swim.” [i]  It is both simple and profound.  It meets the spiritual need of the unbeliever, the brand-new Christian, and the one with many years of maturity.  It has been…

John 8:12-30

SERIES: The Gospel of John Light for a Dark World SPEAKER: Michael P. Andrus Introduction:  I appreciated Alan Groh’s excellent song this morning, entitled “I Am.”  In the Gospel of John seven great “I am” statements come from the lips of Jesus, each involving an implicit claim to deity.  We have already examined “I am the Bread of Life;” today we come to “I am the Light of the World.”  If ever there was a time when this world needed light, it is today.  Let’s readJohn 8:12-30:          When…

1 John 1:1-10

CLICK THE LISTEN BUTTON TO HEAR THE ENTIRE SERMON Walking in the Light Introduction:  When I first took Greek in college in preparation for ministry, I remember how good it felt to be able to read the book of I John just six weeks into the course.  I was so proud I was sure I was destined to be a great Greek scholar.  It didn’t take me long, however, to realize that my ability to read 1 John had a lot more to…

1 John 2:3-11

Something Old, Something New Introduction:  I have an immense amount of respect for this Apostle who was willing to call it like he saw it—not mincing words, not worrying about whether others agree with him, refusing to compromise his black and white stand on the Gospel.  Perhaps he could speak boldly as he does because he was in his 90’s. There’s something about growing old that helps you realize you have nothing to lose.   We have been looking at the three tests…

Matthew 4:12-25, 5:13-16

A Light Has Dawned Introduction:  One of my special memories as a child is open air evangelism meetings at Creve Coeur Lake in the late 40’s.  My father pastored a little church in Maryland Heights.  From time to time in the summer, the church family would gather out at Creve Coeur Lake on a Sunday night and my father would preach out in the open to anyone who would stop to listen.  But what I remember most was the singing.  Someone in the church had…