Sermons on Law

Sermons on Law

Romans 4:13-25

Justification Illustrated:  The Father of Faith, Part 2   Introduction:  For three weeks we have been giving our attention almost entirely to the doctrine of justification by faith.  In the first three chapters of Romans the Apostle Paul goes to great lengths to establish, as a prosecutor might do in a court room, that the entire human race stands guilty before God because of SIN.  Having built an absolutely watertight case, he stops to await the Judge’s verdict, which, astoundingly, comes down as “not guilty.”  God…

Romans 7:1-6

Released from the Law   Introduction:  Our study of Romans began with a thorough analysis of man’s great problem—sin.  It moved in chapter 3 to an evaluation of God’s great solution to man’s problem, namely justification by faith.  That is, God has declared those who put their faith in His Son “not guilty,” has removed all their liabilities from the ledger, and has credited to their personal accounts the very righteousness of Christ.   Justification deals with the penalty for sin.  But we have another problem—the…

1 Thessalonians 2:1-12

How the Gospel Impacts the Pastor It’s no secret to any of you that the media loves bad news.  Bad news sells.  Bad news titillates the public.  Bad news can be used as a tool to further personal agendas, as we saw in the recent tragedy in Tuscon, Arizona.  The media particularly likes bad news when it focuses on a politician they don’t like.  The conviction of Tom Delay and the fall of John Edwards received a lot of attention because both men had already…

Galatians 3:15-25

Why, Then, the Law? For two months now you’ve heard again and again from this pulpit that obedience to the Law, or human effort of any kind, cannot save a person.  After all, that’s one of the principal messages of the book of Galatians.  No matter how long your list of religious rules and regulations, and no matter how diligent you have been in trying to keep them, you know you have failed to keep them completely or consistently, and so it…

James 1:19-27

When Religion Is Worthless (or, I Believe in Christian Living) I have given two titles to my sermon today.  The first is When Religion Is Worthless, the reason for which title will become clear as we go through the text.   The second is I Believe in Christian Living.  I want to explain where the second comes from.  As you will recall, we did a two-month series in April and May on our proposed new EFCA Statement of Faith, called This We Believe.  I took the eight major topics…