Sermons on Joy

Sermons on Joy

Philippians 1:1-11

SERIES: Philippians: Cheerful Sounds from a Jail Cell A Joyful Servant of Christ SPEAKER: Michael P. Andrus Introduction: For a number of months now I have been using a New International Version called The Student Bible.  I have enjoyed the pithy notes and comments by Phil Yancey and Tim Stafford, the editors; they are quite different from the notes found in most study Bibles.  I have borrowed their title for Philippians as the title for this summer series:  “Cheerful Sounds from a Jail Cell.”  I like…

John 16:16-33

SERIES: The Gospel of John Truth for a Time of Transition SPEAKER: Michael P. Andrus Introduction:  It is Thursday night, just hours prior to the crucifixion of Jesus Christ.  He meets with His eleven disciples in an Upper Room to prepare them for what He knows will be the most traumatic day of their lives.  For three chapters in John’s Gospel we have examined the Lord’s careful instruction to these men.  He has spoken of their union with Him, of the world’s sure and…

Nehemiah 8:1-18

Spiritual Renewal Begins with You! Introduction:  For the past two months as we have been walking through the story of Ezra and Nehemiah. In the process, we have witnessed not only the Israelites returning to Judah after over 40 years in exile.  But we’ve also seen the temple rebuilt and worship restored.  In the last four weeks we’ve seen the walls around Jerusalem rebuilt in 52 days.  In Chapter 7, which I didn’t read, Nehemiah seems to bring a fitting end to the story.  He…

Nehemiah 12:27-47

A Celebration of Joy Introduction:  Two and a half years ago I stood at the Berlin Wall and watched as hundreds of young people, under the confused and helpless gaze of East German guards, chipped away at that hated symbol of Communist repression.  To the German people that wall divided them from their families, from their fellow-countrymen, and from the ideals of freedom and opportunity.  There was no joyful dedication when that wall was erected in 1961, only when it was torn down…

2 Chronicles 19, 20

Jehoshaphat: “The Battle Is not Yours, but God’s!”                                             Introduction:  American parents are choosing Bible names for their children in record numbers.  In a recent survey Michael was the most popular, but others frequently chosen were Joshua, Mary, Elizabeth, Timothy, David, Andrew, and Matthew.  Generally, the more godly and successful the person was in Bible times, the more popular the name is today.  Little wonder, then, that Ahab, Jezebel and Judas are rarely, if ever, chosen.  But one name that doesn’t fit this particular pattern…

2 Chronicles 29-31

Hezekiah:  “He Sought His God and Worked Wholeheartedly.  And So He Prospered.” Introduction:  Two weeks ago we examined the life of the worst of the kings of Judah.  The Bible’s epitaph for Ahaz was, “In his time of trouble King Ahaz became even more unfaithful” (2 Chronicles 28:22).  Thankfully the worst was succeeded by the best.  Of all the kings of Judah and Israel since David himself, none had a heart for God like Ahaz’ son, Hezekiah.  None was as faithful to his calling as a spiritual as well as…

Ezra 5, 6

The Lord of History Introduction:  The other day I watched a news program which indicated that gambling is the fastest growing industry in the United States.  Forty-eight states now have some form of legalized gambling—lotteries, horse racing, dog racing, casinos, etc.  Even East St. Louis has finally discovered the golden egg that is supposed to pull it out of poverty—legalized gambling.  When you add to that all the legal and illegal gambling that goes on in sports, office pools, card games, church bingo, and…

1 John 1:1-10

CLICK THE LISTEN BUTTON TO HEAR THE ENTIRE SERMON Walking in the Light Introduction:  When I first took Greek in college in preparation for ministry, I remember how good it felt to be able to read the book of I John just six weeks into the course.  I was so proud I was sure I was destined to be a great Greek scholar.  It didn’t take me long, however, to realize that my ability to read 1 John had a lot more to…

Luke 2:1-20

God’s Answer to the Green Book Introduction:  Let’s begin today by reading from the second chapter of Luke, verses 1-20: In those days Caesar Augustus issued a decree that a census should be taken of the entire Roman world.  (This was the first census that took place while Quirinius was governor of Syria.)  And everyone went to his own town to register.   So Joseph also went up from the town of Nazareth in Galilee to Judea, to Bethlehem the town of David, because…

Galatians 4:12-20

What Has Happened to All Your Joy?  Did you know there is no such thing as a joyful legalist?  Think about it for a moment.  I’ll bet you can’t think of a single person who is both a committed legalist and a joyful person.  And I’m positive you can’t name a legalistic church that is known for its joy.  I don’t mean a legalist can’t laugh, or that he has no happiness in his life.  He can talk about joy.  He can claim joy.  He can act…