Sermons on Jealousy

Sermons on Jealousy

John 12:1-11

SERIES: The Gospel of John Unbounded Love SPEAKER: Michael P. Andrus Introduction:  One of America’s finest short stories, written by one of the great masters of the art, O Henry, was a moving story called, “The Gift of the Magi.” A young couple, Della and Jim, were very poor, but very much in love.  Each had one unique possession.  Della’s was her hair, which served almost as a robe when she let it down.  Jim, on the other hand, had a pocket watch, given…

1 Cor. 10:14-22

The Danger of Mixed Drinks SCRIPTURE: 1 Cor. 10:14-22                                                DATE: May 6, 2001 Introduction:  What’s the highest virtue in America today?  Is it honesty, integrity, morality, or sanctity of life?  I would say none of these.  I think it’s tolerance.  Tolerance is so highly valued that it may be the only absolute virtue many Americans recognize.  On the university campus just about the only thing that is not tolerated is intolerance, especially on the part of those upholding traditional standards or biblical truth.   I say that as a…

Matthew 26:1-13

 Broken and Spilled Out Introduction:  One of America’s finest short stories, written by the great master of the art, O. Henry, is a moving story called, “The Gift of the Magi.”  A young couple, Della and Jim, were very poor, but very much in love.  Each had one unique possession.  For Della it was her hair, which served almost as a robe when she let it down.  Jim, on the other hand, had a pocket watch, given to him by his father, which was his…