Sermons on Intermarriage

Sermons on Intermarriage

Nehemiah 9:32-10:39

Making Commitments at a Time of Transition Note:  This is the day that First Evangelical Free Church of St. Louis County first worshipped in our new facility at Carman and Weidman.   Introduction:  For the sake of our visitors and those returning from vacation, we are moving toward the end of a three-month series on Godly Leadership, based upon the OT books of Ezra and Nehemiah.  These books describe the trauma of the nation of Israel during the decades after their nation was destroyed…

Nehemiah 13:4-31

Eternal Vigilance Is the Price of Liberty Introduction:  A better writer surely would have ended the book of Nehemiah one chapter sooner.  You will recall that the completion of the wall of Jerusalem in chapter six was followed by a significant spiritual revival, a return to the Word of God, the confession of sin, public written agreements to live in obedience to God, and a willingness on the part of many to repopulate Jerusalem and serve God faithfully.  Then they dedicated the wall…

Ezra 9, 10

Taking Sin Seriously Introduction:  In 1973, at the age of 80, Karl Menninger of the world-famous Menninger School of Psychiatry in Topeka, Kansas, published a book which shocked the mental health community.  Its title was Whatever Became of Sin?  It was not a biblical theology of sin, but its thesis was a welcome corrective, namely that moral responsibility must be brought back into the therapy process.  The shock, unfortunately, was short-lived, and today sin is once again as foreign a concept to psychiatry as efficiency…