Sermons on Grace

Sermons on Grace

2 Samuel 2-4

SERIES: David: A Person After God’s Heart Dealing With Boneheads SPEAKER: Michael P. Andrus                                Introduction:  I learned something shocking this week:  Wyatt Earp’s wife Josie died the year I was born–1944.  Honest.  Now that may confirm what some of you suspected–that I am really old, but what I wish you would take from it is that some events that seem ancient and remote are really rather recent and relevant.  Wyatt Earp himself died during the lifespan of many people in this room–on January 13, 1929.  He was once…

2 Samuel 9

SERIES: A Person After God’s Heart Loyal Love SPEAKER: Michael P. Andrus                              Introduction:  We come today to my favorite David story.  It is a story of love and loyalty and grace.  It is a story that will lead us right to the Cross.  Will you turn with me to the ninth chapter of 2 Samuel, and I will read from the NIV.  I invite you to stand as I read: David asked, “Is there anyone still left of the house of Saul to whom I…

2 Samuel 12ff, Galatians 6:7-8

SERIES: David: A Person After God’s Heart Sin Will Take You Further Than You Want to Go SPEAKER: Michael P. Andrus                             Introduction:  More than fifteen years ago Jan and I attended the Praise Gathering in Indianapolis that was sponsored for many years by the Gaithers.  On the last day I was tired after the third concert and I almost went back to my hotel room.  The Cathedral Quartet was singing, and I slipped into the back row.  They did a song that someone handed…

1 Samuel 27, 29-31

SERIES: Leadership in Hard Times Leading by Grace SPEAKER: Michael P. Andrus For the sake of the children (and any guests we might have with us today), I want you to know that here in Big Church we have been studying the OT book of 1 Samuel, and particularly the lives of Saul and David, the first two kings of Israel.  The children were provided a work sheet to help them benefit from this morning.   Even if you haven’t been with…

2 Timothy 4:6-18

SERIES:  2 Timothy Final Instructions for Paul’s Progeny                                                     SPEAKER:  Michael P. Andrus                        Note: This sermon is both a conclusion to a series on the Book of Acts and an exposition of 2 Timothy 4:6-18.   Introduction:  I’ve enjoyed our study of Acts so much that this week I had withdrawal pains.  So, I decided to preach a postscript to the Book today.  We noted last Lord’s Day that Acts is an unfinished book and intentionally so, because every generation of the church has a chapter to…

John 1:1-5

SERIES: The Gospel of John The Gospel Par Excellence SPEAKER: Michael P. Andrus Introduction:  Today we begin a new series on the Gospel of John.  After a lifetime of study of this book, one scholar calls it “the most amazing book ever written.  It is a pool in which a child can wade and an elephant can swim.” [i]  It is both simple and profound.  It meets the spiritual need of the unbeliever, the brand-new Christian, and the one with many years of maturity.  It has been…

John 1:10-18

SERIES: The Gospel of John The Visit SPEAKER: Michael P. Andrus Introduction: Our earth is of tremendous size to us.  Few of us have circled it even once.  Yet if our sun were hollow it could hold over one million earths, and there are stars in our galaxy that, if hollow, could hold over 100,000,000 of our suns!  And there are at least 100,000,000 other galaxies, each with at least 100 billion stars!  The sheer magnitude of this universe is mind boggling.  Yet the Bible…

John 7:53-8:11

SERIES: The Gospel of John  Portrait of a Prodigal Daughter SPEAKER: Michael P. Andrus Introduction:           “How I wish that there was some wonderful place                   Called the Land of Beginning Again,          Where all our mistakes and all our heartaches                   And all our poor selfish grief          Could be dropped like a shabby old coat at the door                   And never put on again.” The poet who wrote those words, Louisa Fletcher, was expressing a forlorn dream, but I believe there is a place called the…

2 Kings 5

Elisha, Naaman: “Wash and Be Cleansed!” Introduction:  We are currently engaged in a series of messages on the kings and prophets of Israel.  The last few Sundays we have been studying the life of the prophet Elijah, an amazing miracle-worker but also a person just like us.  We understand that better after last Sunday, don’t we?   Because today is Family Worship, we are skipping ahead a few chapters in our series to the life of Elisha, who was Elijah’s successor, and to a…

1 Kings 21

Ahab and Jezebel: “There Was Never a Man Like Ahab, Who Sold Himself to Do Evil in the Eyes of the LORD, Urged on by Jezebel His Wife.”                                                         Introduction:  The epitaph I have chosen today is much too long to fit on most tombstones, but the whole things is necessary to tell the story of Ahab.  Today is Father’s Day, and while Ahab (and his wife Jezebel) are not an ideal topic for such a noble day, there is a main character in…

2 Chronicles 33:1-20, 2 Kings 21:1-18

Manasseh: The King with a Nose Ring                                            Introduction:  The story of Manasseh, king of Judah, is an incredible story of rebellion, repentance, and restoration.  Rarely has anyone fallen as far into sin and depravity as this man fell.  Rarely has anyone been rescued and restored as thoroughly as this man.  But it is also true that rarely have the lasting consequences of sin been so obvious as in the story of Manasseh, the King with a Nose Ring.   We have enjoyed two very encouraging…

Romans 5:1-5

The Benefits of Justification   Introduction:  For the last several months I have been working on my house.  I am getting ready to sell it.  I live in a small house, just over 800 square feet, which is no big deal except that the eat-in kitchen is not much larger than a postage stamp.  Recently we became a family of five.  And when the youngest of us is ready to sit at the table, forcing us to move it away from the wall, Robin will have…
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