Sermons on Discouragement

Sermons on Discouragement

Nehemiah 3, 4

Trust in God, and Keep Your Powder Dry!   Introduction:  When my wife heard my sermon title yesterday, she responded, “A 4th of July sermon, huh?”  I was surprised at the question because I hadn’t even thought of this message in those terms, but perhaps it could be related.  Please listen to the Word of God as found in Ezra 4.  When the enemies of Judah and Benjamin heard that the exiles were building a temple for the Lord, the God of Israel, 2 they came to Zerubbabel…

Ezra 4

The Many Faces of Opposition Introduction:  Life can be tough.  Just the ordinary responsibilities of making a living, developing family relationships, putting a kid through college, and keeping two cars running can leave you exhausted at the end of the day.  And if you have a high‑stress job, a child who’s difficult, high balances on your credit cards, and elderly parents who need lots of attention, you may feel at times that you can hardly cope.  But when you add to all that the…