Sermons on Covenant

Sermons on Covenant

Hebrews 8:1-13

Why Do We Need a New Covenant? When Jesus ate the Last Supper with His disciples and instituted the ordinance of communion, He said, “This cup is the New Covenant in my blood.”  What did he mean? One of the most important but least understood concepts in the Bible is that of “covenant.”  The word is used over 250 times altogether and more often in the book of Hebrews than any other NT book, by far.  A number of covenants are mentioned in…

Galatians 4:21-31

Two Sons, Two Covenants When I was in Seminary my homiletics professor waxed eloquent on more than one occasion on the advantages of expository preaching, as opposed to topical preaching or textual preaching.  Among the advantages he reiterated were that it keeps the preacher from riding hobby horses, it gives the people a balanced diet, and it allows the Bible to speak for itself.   There is another important factor which I don’t recall my prof mentioning, namely that expository preaching forces…