Sermons on Consequences

Sermons on Consequences

1 Samuel 15

SERIES: Leadership in Hard Times Partial Obedience Is Disobedience SCRIPTURE: 1 Samuel 15 SPEAKER: Michael P. Andrus                         Introduction:  Let me paint a little word picture for you that will be readily identifiable to anyone with a toddler at home.   “It’s almost supper time, Adam.  Pick up the papers and crayons that are all over the floor and put them in your desk before supper.”   “Oh, Daddy, do I have to?”   “Yes, you have to.”   The family gathers at the supper table, Adam…

2 Chronicles 33:1-20, 2 Kings 21:1-18

Manasseh: The King with a Nose Ring                                            Introduction:  The story of Manasseh, king of Judah, is an incredible story of rebellion, repentance, and restoration.  Rarely has anyone fallen as far into sin and depravity as this man fell.  Rarely has anyone been rescued and restored as thoroughly as this man.  But it is also true that rarely have the lasting consequences of sin been so obvious as in the story of Manasseh, the King with a Nose Ring.   We have enjoyed two very encouraging…

Hebrews 3:7-4:13

The Tragedy of Unbelief What is the most heinous sin a human being can commit?  Is it brutal, premeditated murder?  Is it some grossly perverted immoral act?  Is it the abuse of an innocent child?  Is it the attempted annihilation of an entire race?  What is the most heinous sin a human being can commit?   Well, I think we can answer that question if we ask and answer another one:  What is the only sin that will send a person to Hell, the only one that…