Sermons on Belief

Sermons on Belief

John 1:1-5

SERIES: The Gospel of John The Gospel Par Excellence SPEAKER: Michael P. Andrus Introduction:  Today we begin a new series on the Gospel of John.  After a lifetime of study of this book, one scholar calls it “the most amazing book ever written.  It is a pool in which a child can wade and an elephant can swim.” [i]  It is both simple and profound.  It meets the spiritual need of the unbeliever, the brand-new Christian, and the one with many years of maturity.  It has been…

John 2:12-25

SERIES: The Gospel of John Reformation Day in God’s House SPEAKER: Michael P. Andrus Acknowledgment of Reformation Day:  Yesterday was a holiday for many Americans, but it was a Holy Day for Christians. Were you aware of that?  Yesterday was Reformation Day, the 475th anniversary of the Protestant Reformation.  On October 31, 1517, a 34-year-old monk named Martin Luther nailed a treatise containing 95 spiritual concerns on the door of the University Cathedral in Wittenberg, Germany, to protest corruption in the church of…

John 6:30-71

SERIES: The Gospel of John How to Lose Friends and Offend People SPEAKER: Brad Harper Introduction:  Many years ago Dale Carnegie made a classic contribution to American social process with his book How to Win Friends and Influence People.  After studying John six this week, I became convinced that if such a book existed in the first century, Jesus had not read it.  For if someone were to write a book about the effects of Jesus’ sermon recorded in this chapter, it might be…

John 12:37-50

SERIES: The Gospel of John SERMON: Believing Is More than Seeing SCRIPTURE: John 12:37-50 SPEAKER: Brad Harper DATE: April 18, 1993 Introduction:  In the mid-1920’s, America seemed to be on the way to its greatest hour.  There had been some tough times during the First World War, but spirits were soaring as the economy seemed impervious to decline.  For many, there was hope for a bright future as the stock market soared and the conventional investment wisdom seemed to prove that you really could get…

Luke 7:18-35

When God Sits on His Hands  Introduction:  Have there been times when your world seemed to be crashing down on you, and God was silent? I know that has happened to some of you, because I have heard about it in my counseling.  A loved one dies, you lose your job, one of your children is stretching you to the breaking point, your health is threatened, your spouse tells you he doesn’t love you anymore.  And some of you have had all those…