Sermons on Baptism

Sermons on Baptism

1 Peter 3:13-22

Defending the Faith, Not Ourselves In chapter 1, we were introduced to the reality that becoming a Christian introduces a tremendous new tension in life.  Our faith in Jesus causes our citizenship papers to be transferred from one kingdom to another.  Paul tells us in Colossians that God “has rescued us from the one who rules in the kingdom of darkness, and he has brought us into the Kingdom of his dear Son.” (Col. 1:13, NLT)  The tension results because though our papers…

Acts 2:22-41

The Lordship of Christ: A Borrowed Sermon TO HEAR THE ENTIRE SERMON CLICK ON THE LISTEN BUTTON ABOVE Introduction: Recently I had the privilege of performing a wedding for a couple in our church.  Since our facilities are not quite adequate for such a special occasion, a church was rented by the bride’s family.  This was a large, well-known church of a mainline denomination, and the personnel in that church were extremely cooperative; they could not have been more accommodating.   There was,…

Acts 8

Spreading the Flame Introduction:  The Scripture text before us today, Acts chapter 8, can be studied biographically or geographically.  If we take a biographical focus we discover there are 4 main characters—two positive and two negative:  there is Saul the Persecutor, Philip the Evangelist, Simon the Magician, and the Ethiopian eunuch.  But there is also a strong geographical focus in the chapter, as it describes the spread of the Gospel beyond Jerusalem and Judea to two unlikely places—Samaria and Africa.  The importance of this is…