Finding Financial Freedom

Finding Financial Freedom

2 Thessalonians 3:6-15

Money–Godly and Ungodly Ways of Getting It We are launching a new sermon series this morning, entitled “Finding Financial Freedom.”  Please note that I didn’t say, “Finding Financial Security.”  Biblically the phrase “financial security” is an oxymoron, a contradiction in terms.  By the way, I collect oxymorons, and I have literally hundreds of them in my file.  Maybe you’d like to hear a few, or maybe not, but here are some of my favorites anyway:             Amtrak schedule                                                                                                          California expressway             Civil War             Country music (please no…

Various Passages

Money–Godly and Ungodly Ways of Spending It John Wesley advised his followers concerning the use of wealth:  “Make all you can, save all you can, give all you can!”  I think most Christians would offer a hearty amen! to Wesley’s words, but many live a slightly different version:  “Make all you can, spend all you can, and hope that Social Security is solvent when you hit 65.”  I am personally convinced that most Christians would like to be more frugal in their saving and…

Various Passages

Money–Godly and Ungodly Ways of Saving It A few weeks ago you all received a bookmark with our church’s new mission on it.  It’s really not a new mission–just a restatement of what our mission has always been: “To glorify God through honoring His name, teaching His word, loving His people, and expanding His kingdom.”  One of the values under “expanding His kingdom” is this: “We value generous stewardship over all of the resources God has entrusted to us.”  We value that because God commands it and because God…

Acts 4:36-5:11

Money–Ungodly Ways of Giving It Please turn with me to the book of Acts 4 and let’s read together the Word of the Lord, beginning in verse 36.           Joseph, a Levite from Cyprus, whom the apostles called Barnabas (which means Son of Encouragement), sold a field he owned and brought the money and put it at the apostles’ feet.          Now a man named Ananias, together with his wife Sapphira, also sold a piece of property.  With his wife’s full knowledge he…

Luke 16:1-9

Money–Godly Ways of Giving It:  A Bad Man’s Good Example Every one of us in this room this morning has a set of priorities, a ranking, if you will, of those things that we consider the most important in the world.  I’m sure if asked to put these priorities on paper, most of us would probably list God first, family second, then work, church, friends, and country in some order, followed by eating, golf, TV, sleeping, and other common pursuits.  But I am…