Sermons on Revenge

Sermons on Revenge

1 Samuel 18

Jealousy, the Jaundice of the Soul SPEAKER: Michael P. Andrus Introduction:  In our study of the OT book of 1 Samuel, we have discovered that Saul, the tall, brave, and charismatic first king of Israel, has been sliding down the slippery slope of spiritual defection.  He who once had so much going for him has demonstrated an amazing lack of integrity, a narcissistic spirit of independence, and virtually no heart for God.  So, God has already declared him bankrupt and has anointed the…

1 Samuel 24, 26

SERIES: Leadership in Hard Times Vengeance is Mine SCRIPTURE: 1 Samuel 24, 26 SPEAKER: Michael P. Andrus Introduction:  Revenge has been called life’s most subtle temptation.  It’s also one of life’s most frequent temptations.  It’s subtle because we are never tempted to take vengeance without provocation, and if we’re provoked it’s easy to justify our response.  And it’s frequent because the provocations in life are so numerous.  A guy cuts you off in traffic, a friend snubs you, your spouseirritates you, the boss gives someone else credit for a job you did, your father or mother ground you for something…

Romans 12:9-21

Love Without Wax   Introduction:  Ray Stedman shares the story of a man who was passing a used bookstore when he spotted a volume in the window which caught his attention.  The book was entitled, How to Hug.  Feeling kind of lonely, he stepped inside to purchase the book.  To his chagrin he discovered that it was Vol. 13 of a set of encyclopedias and covered the alphabet from H-O-W to H-U-G, “How to Hug.”[i] Could it be there’s an analogy to the Church in that…

Esther 9-10

A Day to Remember So soon we have come to the end of our summer series on the OT Book of Esther!  I have thoroughly enjoyed this excursion through one of the great short stories in the Bible, and I hope you have as well.  I told you when I began this series that in forty years of Bible teaching and preaching I had never seriously tackled this book, and I shared with you some of the factors that made…