Sermons by Michael Andrus (Page 31)

Sermons by Michael Andrus (Page 31)

Matthew 13:24-43

Don’t Be a Weed Puller! Introduction:  My sermon title this morning is taken from the first of three parables in the middle of Matthew 13, all of which provide us clues about the Kingdom of Heaven.  One of the parables talks about weeds, another about mustard seed, and the third about yeast.  Jesus takes each of these items found in everyday life in the first century and uses it to reveal something about the Kingdom.  Three times in this passage we read the words: “The…

Matthew 14:13-21, 15:29-39

The Feeding of the Nine Thousand (or Food Stamps and Faith)  Introduction:  We come this morning to two of the best known and best loved stories in the Bible–the feeding of the 5,000 and the feeding of the 4,000, found in two successive chapters of Matthew.  Thus, the title of my sermon, but I could just as well have called it “The Feeding of the Twenty-seven Thousand,” because in both stories Matthew goes out of his way to tell us that he…

Matthew 14:22-36

 Truly You Are the Son of God! Introduction:  In our journey through the Gospel of Matthew we come today to another of those amazing miracles which are so well-known to Bible students and even children–Jesus walking on the Sea of Galilee.  Sometimes these stories are so well known that familiarity can breed contempt; we may even yawn when we hear about them.  But these were real events with profound truth behind them.  May God help us to have ears to hear what He wants…

Matthew 15:1-20

Hand Washing Can Get Out of Hand Note:  This sermon was preached at First Free Wichita in 2021. Introduction:  It was ten years ago today, August 1, 2011, that I retired as Lead Pastor here at First Free.  Which also means that today is Pastor Josh’s tenth anniversary as our pastor.  He is still on study leave but I am sure he would be encouraged to receive notes of gratitude from many of you for the fine ministry he has carried on over this…

Matthew 15:21-28

Shocking Words from the Lips of Jesus                                        Introduction:  I doubt if anyone will argue with my sermon title this morning after we read our Scripture text from Matthew 15:21-28:  Leaving that place, Jesus withdrew to the region of Tyre and Sidon. A Canaanite woman from that vicinity came to him, crying out, “Lord, Son of David, have mercy on me! My daughter is suffering terribly from demon-possession.”   Jesus did not answer a word. So his disciples came to him and urged…

Matthew 16:13-20

 Who’s Got the Keys to the Kingdom? Introduction:  We are skipping several portions of Matthew as we come this morning to chapter 16, verse 13.  Each of the sections we are passing over from 15:29 to 16:12 has a close parallel with one of the passages we have recently wrestled with, so I am going to move this morning to chapter 16, verse 13, which addresses the critical question of “Who is Jesus?” and the related question of “Who’s Got the Keys to…

Matthew 17:1-8

The Transfiguration of Christ:  Preview of the Resurrection Introduction:  On this beautiful Easter morning I want to ask you to turn in your Bibles to Matthew 17:1-8, or you can follow along on the screen as I read aloud: After six days Jesus took with him Peter, James and John the brother of James, and led them up a high mountain by themselves. There he was transfigured before them. His face shone like the sun, and his clothes became as white as…

Matthew 18:1-9; 19:13-15

Too Small to Ignore Introduction:  Today we are returning to the Life of Christ.  We started studying the book of Matthew back in 2006 and completed the first eight chapters by June of ‘07.  We picked it up again from Thanksgiving to this past Easter, covering chapters 9-17.  Today we start in chapter 18 and, Lord willing, we will finish this amazing book by Easter, with a few planned interruptions along the way.  We will not preach every single passage, because we have already studied…

Matt 19:16-30

The Rich Young Ruler Introduction:  Turn with me, please, to Matthew 19:16-22.  While you’re turning there, you perhaps will notice that I have skipped several paragraphs in chapters 18 and 19.  That is because we dealt with those topics in other series the past few years.  In 18:15-20 the issue of resolving conflict in the church is discussed, which was the topic of our series entitled Great Church Fights last fall.[i]  The Parable of the Unmerciful Servant was preached in our series on parables a…

Matthew 20:17-34

A Mother’s Selfish Request Introduction: The last will be first and the first, last.  The way up is down.  The one who wants to lead must become a servant.  These are truths Jesus makes explicitly clear in the passages we have recently been studying; in fact, in a sense our last two sermons and the one today all have the same essential message.  I trust you recall the conclusion of the story of the Rich Young Ruler in chapter 19: “Many who are first will be…

Matt 21:1-27

This Was the Week That Was       Introduction:  A satirical television comedy program hosted by David Frost aired on BBC TV in 1962 and 1963.  It was called That Was the Week that Was, or TW3.  Ever since then the phrase “the week that was” has been used to refer to any week that is highly unusual.  Sportscasters use it to refer to a week that has unusual upsets in the NFL, which means almost every week.  Bob Schieffer used it as the headline of a news column…

Matt 21:28-46

Parables for Pharisees, Ancient and Postmodern  Introduction:  Last Sunday our text from Matthew 21 concerned the beginning of The Week that Was, Passion Week, the final week of Christ’s earthly life.  It began with the Triumphal Entry of Jesus into the city of Jerusalem on Sunday, followed by the cleansing of the temple, the cursing of the fig tree, and the challenge to Jesus’ authority by the religious leaders of Israel.  Each of these events uniquely revealed the authority of Jesus –over people, over…