Sermons from September 2024 (Page 2)

Sermons from September 2024 (Page 2)

Job 40, 41

SERIES: The Book of Job God, Behemoth, Leviathan, and Job SPEAKER:  Michael P. Andrus Introduction to Scripture reading:  One of the finest books ever produced for children was published in 1978 by the Institute in Basic Youth Conflicts.  It is entitled Character Sketches: From the Pages of Scripture, Illustrated from the World of Nature.  It is published in two beautiful, large volumes.  Like many children’s stories, songs, or plays, adults can enjoy them as much as the children, though, of course, they don’t like to admit…

Job 42

SERIES: The Book of Job Epilogue to the Book of Job SPEAKER:  Brad Harper Note: Brad Harper preached this sermon on September 26, which was the Sunday after my serious car accident with a horse.  We do not have the manuscript of this sermon, but the audio is available.  Below is the outline. Introduction:  We come this morning to the close of our four-month study of the Book of Job.  The Epilogue is a welcome conclusion to the troubling ordeal God has put Job through, but…

Job 42

SERIES: The Book of Job Epilogue to the Book of Job SPEAKER: Michael P. Andrus Note:  This sermon was never finished and never preached, and thus there is no audio.  I had been working ahead, planning to preach this passage on September 26, but the previous Monday I was involved in a very serious car accident with a horse.  I didn’t preach again until October 17, when I returned to the Book of Job for a final message.  Pastor Brad Harper preached on chapter…

Job, Ephesians 6:10-18

SERIES: The Book of Job Standing Your Ground When Satan Wants to Take It SPEAKER: Paul T. Stolwyk DATE: June 27, 1993 Introduction:  Imagine being General Colin Powell, Chairman of the Joint Chief of Staff, leader of the armed forces, reporting directly to the President of the United States.  Imagine yourself being General Powell three years ago after a line had been drawn in the Iraqi sand.  You have decided to deploy troops into Kuwait, and you want to address them before they…
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