Sermons from February 2024 (Page 4)
John 16:16-33
SERIES: The Gospel of John Truth for a Time of Transition SPEAKER: Michael P. Andrus Introduction: It is Thursday night, just hours prior to the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. He meets with His eleven disciples in an Upper Room to prepare them for what He knows will be the most traumatic day of their lives. For three chapters in John’s Gospel we have examined the Lord’s careful instruction to these men. He has spoken of their union with Him, of the world’s sure and…
John 17:1-5
SERIES: Gospel of John The Real Lord’s Prayer, Part 1: Jesus Prays for Himself SPEAKER: Michael P. Andrus Introduction: In the third chapter of Exodus, Moses is winding up a 40-year stint as a shepherd in Midian when he comes across a burning bush on Mount Horeb. He decides to check it out to ascertain why it isn’t being consumed. Much to his surprise a voice comes out of the bush, calling him by name and saying, “Moses, do not come near here; remove your sandals from…
John 17:6-19
SERIES: The Gospel of John The Real Lord’s Prayer, Part 2: Jesus Prays for His Disciples SPEAKER: Brad Harper Introduction: The axiom that it’s not what you know, but who you know that counts may be the most universally true statement among old adages. Do you know what a great feeling it is when someone you know, who happens to be rather influential, says encouraging and supportive things about you to other even more influential people? I have experienced that occasionally in my life, often…
John 17:20-26
SERIES: The Gospel of John The Real Lord’s Prayer, Part 3: Jesus Prays for the Whole Family SPEAKER: Michael P. Andrus Introduction: Young painters or musicians or sculptors have always been anxious to study under the great masters. The rationale is that they will more readily attain to excellence if they enter the schools of eminent artists. In the past, fathers have paid large sums of money that their children might be apprenticed to those who best understood the arts. If any of us…
John 18:1-5
SERIES: The Gospel of John The Man Whose Name Lives in Infamy SPEAKER: Michael P. Andrus Introduction: Our study of the Gospel of John brings us today to the 18th chapter. We have completed the heavily theological section of the book and come now to the narrative portion, which covers the events of the last 12 hours of Jesus’ life on earth, including His arrest, His trial, and His crucifixion, as well as His resurrection and His brief post-resurrection ministry. I have decided…
John 18:12-14, 19-24, Mark 14:53-65
SERIES: The Gospel of John The Abuse of Religious Power SPEAKER: Michael P. Andrus Introduction: The capacity for evil on the part of deeply religious people is frightening. Two weeks ago an American immigrant to Israel opened fire on a group of Palestinians at prayer and murdered about 40 of them. It was done in the name of religion. Last month hundreds of Bosnian Muslims were slaughtered by Serb Christians. It was done in the name of religion. A year ago a mad bomber tried to…
John 18:28-19:16
SERIES: The Gospel of John Pitiful Pontius Pilate SPEAKER: Michael P. Andrus Introduction: A creative Sunday School teacher once asked her students to draw a picture of any major event in the life of Christ. After the pictures were turned in, she saw that most of the youngsters had drawn the familiar scenes—the Holy Family in the stable, Jesus overturning the tables of the moneychangers in the Temple, and the three crosses at Calvary. But she had to ask one enterprising youngster to…
John 18, et al
SERIES: The Gospel of John The Amazing Transformation of Rocky Johnson SPEAKER: Michael P. Andrus Introduction: I would like to preach another biographical message today—this one about a character named Rocky Johnson. Of all the characters in the NT, other than Jesus, he is probably the best known. His Jewish name was Simon Barjona. That last name simply means “son of John,” for “bar” means “son” as in “Bar mitzvah” (Son of the Law). If he were Scandinavian, his last name would have been John’s…
John 19:16-42
SERIES: The Gospel of John SERMON: First Things First SCRIPTURE: John 19:16-42 SPEAKER: Paul Stolwyk DATE: March 27, 1994 Introduction: What is on your mind right now. What has first importance in your thoughts. Is it your children? Is it cleaning up your yard? Getting your taxes done? Getting a new outfit for Easter? Is it getting a project done at work, home, or school? The details of Jesus’ crucifixion, death, burial, and resurrection form the foundation of the Christian message. The Apostle Paul regarded these facts as “first…
John 20:1-9
SERIES: The Gospel of John The Not Quite Empty Tomb SPEAKER: Michael P. Andrus Introduction: All but four of the major world religions are based upon mere philosophical propositions. Of the four that are founded upon a great person, only one claims an empty tomb for its founder. The father of Judaism, Abraham, died about 2000 BC. He was buried in the Cave of Machpelah in Hebron in the Holy Land, and I have personally visited his gravesite. The father of Buddhism, Gautama Buddha, died…
John 20:11-29
SERIES: The Gospel of John Grief, Fear, and Doubt: Three Enemies of the Soul SPEAKER: Michael P. Andrus Introduction: Last Lord’s Day we had three great worship services. The music was marvelous, and our people were able to focus their hearts and minds on the risen Christ in a very special way. In a message on the Not-Quite-Empty Tomb, we noted that the Apostle John came to believe in the Resurrection, not through OT prophecies about it, nor through Jesus’ own predictions concerning…
John 20:24-29
In Celebration of Doubt SPEAKER: Michael P. Andrus Introduction: In Christian circles doubt tends to have a bad reputation. Belief and faith are the hallmarks of a Christian, not doubt and skepticism. But I want to suggest this morning that an honest doubter and a truth-seeking skeptic are far more honorable than those who profess to believe everything the Christian faith teaches but never take the time or effort to examine their personal views. Socrates once said, “The unexamined life is not worth living.” It’s also…