Sermons on Vengence
1 Samuel 24, 26
SERIES: Leadership in Hard Times Vengeance is Mine SCRIPTURE: 1 Samuel 24, 26 SPEAKER: Michael P. Andrus Introduction: Revenge has been called life’s most subtle temptation. It’s also one of life’s most frequent temptations. It’s subtle because we are never tempted to take vengeance without provocation, and if we’re provoked it’s easy to justify our response. And it’s frequent because the provocations in life are so numerous. A guy cuts you off in traffic, a friend snubs you, your spouseirritates you, the boss gives someone else credit for a job you did, your father or mother ground you for something…
Nehemiah 6, 7
Operation Intimidation DATE: April 7, 2019 Note: This was Michael Andrus’ last sermon at First Free in St. Louis, preached in 2019. It has been inserted into the 1992 series on Nehemiah. Greetings: Thank you kindly, Adam, for that introduction. I listened to John Richardson’s last message in which he said you were turning on the “way back machine” and inviting me to speak. Well, he’s not far off as it’s been over 15 years since we moved back to Wichita. I expect this will…