Sermons on Truth

Sermons on Truth

Ephesians 6:10ff, Part 2

Spiritual Warfare:  The Battle for Freedom in Christ The Full Armor of God SPEAKER:  Michael P. Andrus Note to reader:  These sermons on Ephesians are not my typical verse-by-verse exposition.  Most were preached in 1990 in a series on “Spiritual Warfare:  The Battle for Freedom in Christ.”  I used Ephesians as a springboard for this series but referred to many other passages as well.  Some of the sermons in the series are stand-alone messages preached at various times and various places.  The early sermons from 30-35 years ago…

John 1:10-18

SERIES: The Gospel of John The Visit SPEAKER: Michael P. Andrus Introduction: Our earth is of tremendous size to us.  Few of us have circled it even once.  Yet if our sun were hollow it could hold over one million earths, and there are stars in our galaxy that, if hollow, could hold over 100,000,000 of our suns!  And there are at least 100,000,000 other galaxies, each with at least 100 billion stars!  The sheer magnitude of this universe is mind boggling.  Yet the Bible…