Sermons on Spiritual Warfare

Sermons on Spiritual Warfare

Ephesians 1

Spiritual Warfare:  The Battle for Freedom in Christ Who Are You? SPEAKER:  Michael P. Andrus Note to reader:  These sermons on Ephesians are not my typical verse-by-verse exposition.  Most were preached in 1990 in a series on “Spiritual Warfare:  The Battle for Freedom in Christ.”  I used Ephesians as a springboard for this series but referred to many other passages as well.  Some of the sermons in the series are stand-alone messages preached at various times and various places.  The early sermons from 30-35 years ago are not…

Ephesians 6:10ff, Part 2

Spiritual Warfare:  The Battle for Freedom in Christ The Full Armor of God SPEAKER:  Michael P. Andrus Note to reader:  These sermons on Ephesians are not my typical verse-by-verse exposition.  Most were preached in 1990 in a series on “Spiritual Warfare:  The Battle for Freedom in Christ.”  I used Ephesians as a springboard for this series but referred to many other passages as well.  Some of the sermons in the series are stand-alone messages preached at various times and various places.  The early sermons from 30-35 years ago…

1 Kings 22, 2 Chronicles 18

Micaiah: “He Never Prophesies Anything Good About Me.”      Introduction:  Chances are many of you have never heard of Micaiah.  He’s mentioned only in 1 Kings 22 and the parallel passage in 2 Chronicles 18.  We know nothing of his family, his ministry, or his death.  Yet the Scriptures tell us enough to know he’s the kind of person we would trust with our lives, and he stands on a par with some of God’s choicest servants, particularly when it comes to courage and…

Daniel 10

Spiritual Warfare, Politics, and Prayer  Note:  This sermon was preached at First Free in Wichita in 2020, shortly before the national election.  I have inserted it here as an update to the earlier series.          Introduction:  Today we come to a chapter that is unique in the book of Daniel; in fact, it is unique in the Bible.  It tells us that Daniel receives a final prophetic vision, but the details of the vision are not revealed until chapter 11.  The focus of this chapter is…

1 Thessalonians 2:17-3:13

How the Church Suffers for the Gospel The Apostle Paul and his two missionary companions, Silas and Timothy, came to Thessalonica and planted a church during Paul’s second missionary journey, but within weeks their success in winning converts stirred up tremendous opposition.  In fact, a riot was generated, and they had to flee the city during the night.  Paul’s detractors apparently used that fact against him, claiming he had used and abused his new converts and then abandoned them to handle persecution…