Sermons on Sign of Jonah

Sermons on Sign of Jonah

John 2:12-25

SERIES: The Gospel of John Reformation Day in God’s House SPEAKER: Michael P. Andrus Acknowledgment of Reformation Day:  Yesterday was a holiday for many Americans, but it was a Holy Day for Christians. Were you aware of that?  Yesterday was Reformation Day, the 475th anniversary of the Protestant Reformation.  On October 31, 1517, a 34-year-old monk named Martin Luther nailed a treatise containing 95 spiritual concerns on the door of the University Cathedral in Wittenberg, Germany, to protest corruption in the church of…

Matthew 12:38-50

Are You Looking for Miracles, Reformation, or a Relationship? Introduction:  Few people would argue with the assertion that we live in a thoroughly messed-up culture and society.  Even the church is full of confused people.  Recently religious market researcher and pollster George Barna surveyed hundreds of people with the following statement: “The idea that God helps those who help themselves is taken directly from the Bible.  Do you agree strongly, agree somewhat, disagree somewhat, or disagree strongly with that statement?”  Among those who claimed to be…