Sermons on Self-confidence

Sermons on Self-confidence

John 13:18-38

SERIES: The Gospel of John And It Was Night SPEAKER: Michael P. Andrus Introduction:  The Apostle John was a relatively simply man.  A fisherman by trade, he was not well-educated.  His writing employs simple grammar, short sentences, and elementary vocabulary. But simple though he was, John was not ignorant.  The concepts he conveyed were profound and he knew how to use subtle literary devices to impress upon his reader the pathos of a particular moment.  Nowhere is this done more skillfully than in John 13, where…

John 18:1-5

SERIES: The Gospel of John The Man Whose Name Lives in Infamy SPEAKER: Michael P. Andrus Introduction:  Our study of the Gospel of John brings us today to the 18th chapter.  We have completed the heavily theological section of the book and come now to the narrative portion, which covers the events of the last 12 hours of Jesus’ life on earth, including His arrest, His trial, and His crucifixion, as well as His resurrection and His brief post-resurrection ministry.  I have decided…

Matthew 20:17-34

A Mother’s Selfish Request Introduction: The last will be first and the first, last.  The way up is down.  The one who wants to lead must become a servant.  These are truths Jesus makes explicitly clear in the passages we have recently been studying; in fact, in a sense our last two sermons and the one today all have the same essential message.  I trust you recall the conclusion of the story of the Rich Young Ruler in chapter 19: “Many who are first will be…