Sermons on Resistance

Sermons on Resistance

Acts 5:12-42

The Christian and Civil Disobedience Introduction:  I am going to do something quite out of the ordinary this morning.  Those of you who are regulars with us know that our standard procedure is to take a portion of Scripture and to expound it, i.e., to show its structure, its meaning, and its application.  Rarely do I depart from the text of the day, except to use parallel passages of Scripture.   However, this morning I would like to preach a topical sermon.  The instigation for…

Genesis 39

When Temptation Comes in Like a Flood TO HEAR THE ENTIRE SERMON CLICK THE LISTEN BUTTON ABOVE Let me review briefly where we have been and where we are going.  We are doing a series of four biographical sermons on the life of Joseph.  Last Sunday our topic was “When Parents Play Favorites” from Genesis 37.  We saw the dreadful results of dysfunction in Joseph’s birth family and urged all of us to renounce favoritism and to break the cycle of dysfunction in…