Sermons on Presumption

Sermons on Presumption

1 Samuel 14

SERIES: Leadership in Hard Times When a Leader Misuses His Authority SPEAKER: Michael P. Andrus Introduction:  We are in the middle of a trilogy of sermons on the failed leadership of Saul, the first king of Israel, as we set the stage for his successor David, a leader worth emulating.  Leadership is a topic of great relevance to all of us, for we are all leaders, and we are all followers.  We may be leaders in church or in industry or at school…

James 4:11-17

When Christians Play God It’s great to have our families all together in one service today.  I applaud the decision to give our children’s workers, youth leaders, and adult ABF teachers a break for the month before school starts.  But even more importantly, I think it’s wonderful to have our families worshiping together.  We have a tendency to split families up when we come to church, and there are some good educational benefits to that.  But it’s also great for children to sit with…