Sermons on Prayer
Ephesians 6:10ff, Part 2
Spiritual Warfare: The Battle for Freedom in Christ The Full Armor of God SPEAKER: Michael P. Andrus Note to reader: These sermons on Ephesians are not my typical verse-by-verse exposition. Most were preached in 1990 in a series on “Spiritual Warfare: The Battle for Freedom in Christ.” I used Ephesians as a springboard for this series but referred to many other passages as well. Some of the sermons in the series are stand-alone messages preached at various times and various places. The early sermons from 30-35 years ago…
Job 38:11
SERIES: Our Great and Awesome God The Power and Providence of God SPEAKER: Michael P. Andrus PLACE: Dallas Theological Seminary DATE: October, 1996 I wish to share with you today an experience that changed my life. It happened three years ago on the 20th of September, 1993. I was returning home one night from a prayer meeting for the victims of the terrible flood St. Louis was experiencing. I was about two miles from my home when a horse that had been spooked jumped over…
Philippians 1:1-11
SERIES: Philippians: Cheerful Sounds from a Jail Cell A Joyful Servant of Christ SPEAKER: Michael P. Andrus Introduction: For a number of months now I have been using a New International Version called The Student Bible. I have enjoyed the pithy notes and comments by Phil Yancey and Tim Stafford, the editors; they are quite different from the notes found in most study Bibles. I have borrowed their title for Philippians as the title for this summer series: “Cheerful Sounds from a Jail Cell.” I like…
Philippians 4:2-9
SERIES: Philippians: Cheerful Sounds from a Jail Cell Removing Obstacles; Releasing Power (or Godly Mulch for a Church Plant) SPEAKER: Michael P. Andrus Introduction: My mind thrives on structure. Perhaps as a result of a graduate degree in logic, I have a difficult time dealing with things that don’t seem to fit. I’m working on a remodeling project at home, and my wife will tell you that I drive her nuts because everything has to fit perfectly. It may take me three times as long…
Job 38:11
SERIES: The Book of Job This Far and No Farther SPEAKER: Michael P. Andrus DATE: October 17, 1993 Introduction: This morning about a quarter of our church family are at Pine Crest Camp in Fredericktown, enjoying the conclusion of this year’s Fall Retreat. I came home last night with Paul and Carol Stolwyk, and I can assure you that your friends are enjoying a delightful time in the Ozarks, with beautiful trees, great food, and some incredible fellowship. And it was dry…
Psalm 22
SERIES: Psalms: Cries of the Heart The Cry of Faith SPEAKER: Paul T. Stolwyk Introduction: One of the people who went with our Cornerstone Church plant a few years ago was an elder named Paul Koenig. For those of you who don’t know him, Paul is wonderfully honest about himself and very frank about life. He does not mince words about anything. He has a way of saying things that are true, very pointed, and very memorable. One time, I called him to get…
1 Samuel 1-3
SERIES: Leadership in Hard Times The Difference a Godly Home Makes SPEAKER: Michael P. Andrus Introduction: It’s good to be back with you this morning after fulfilling a life-long dream of visiting Egypt. Several previous attempts to go there had been scuttled by Mideast politics, but this one went off without a hitch. We (Saba Khalil, Brad Baraks, Mark Friz, and I) enjoyed wonderful hospitality and filled our eyes and minds with the magnificence of a civilization that was already ancient when…
John 14:1-14
SERIES: The Gospel of John The Cure for Heart Trouble SPEAKER: Michael P. Andrus Introduction: The Devil, according to legend, once advertised his tools for sale at public auction. When the prospective buyers assembled, there was one oddly shaped tool which was labeled “Not for sale.” Asked to explain why this was, the Devil answered, “I can spare all my other tools, but I cannot spare this one. It is the most useful implement I have. It is called, ‘Discouragement,’ and with it I…
John 16:16-33
SERIES: The Gospel of John Truth for a Time of Transition SPEAKER: Michael P. Andrus Introduction: It is Thursday night, just hours prior to the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. He meets with His eleven disciples in an Upper Room to prepare them for what He knows will be the most traumatic day of their lives. For three chapters in John’s Gospel we have examined the Lord’s careful instruction to these men. He has spoken of their union with Him, of the world’s sure and…
John 17:1-5
SERIES: Gospel of John The Real Lord’s Prayer, Part 1: Jesus Prays for Himself SPEAKER: Michael P. Andrus Introduction: In the third chapter of Exodus, Moses is winding up a 40-year stint as a shepherd in Midian when he comes across a burning bush on Mount Horeb. He decides to check it out to ascertain why it isn’t being consumed. Much to his surprise a voice comes out of the bush, calling him by name and saying, “Moses, do not come near here; remove your sandals from…
John 17:6-19
SERIES: The Gospel of John The Real Lord’s Prayer, Part 2: Jesus Prays for His Disciples SPEAKER: Brad Harper Introduction: The axiom that it’s not what you know, but who you know that counts may be the most universally true statement among old adages. Do you know what a great feeling it is when someone you know, who happens to be rather influential, says encouraging and supportive things about you to other even more influential people? I have experienced that occasionally in my life, often…
Exodus 17:8-16
The Power of Persistent Prayer SPEAKER: Michael P. Andrus Introduction: Let’s begin today by reading Exodus 17:8-16. The Amalekites came and attacked the Israelites at Rephidim. 9 Moses said to Joshua, “Choose some of our men and go out to fight the Amalekites. Tomorrow I will stand on top of the hill with the staff of God in my hands.” 10 So Joshua fought the Amalekites as Moses had ordered, and Moses, Aaron and Hur went to the top of the hill. 11 As long as Moses held up…