Sermons on Perseverance

Sermons on Perseverance

Job 1:1-5

SERIES: The Book of Job Man of Perseverance, Man of Piety SPEAKER:  Michael P. Andrus Introduction:  Have you heard of the perseverance of Job?  The Apostle James assumes you have, for in the last chapter of his NT epistle he is recounting the blessings that come through endurance and says, “You have heard of Job’s perseverance and have seen what the Lord finally brought about.  The Lord is full of compassion and mercy.”  Whenever we think of Job, certain word associations immediately enter our minds—not just…

Nehemiah 2

Do You Have a Plan? Introduction:  I want to talk to you today about broken-down walls.  The particular broken walls that generated this message are the walls of Jerusalem, but each of us has walls in our own lives that need repair.  They may be walls in our emotional life or family or career or finances or personal habits or ministry.  These walls are structures needed to support, protect, defend, and strengthen our character and relationships. If you are hurting today because of some…

Galatians 4:21-31

Two Sons, Two Covenants When I was in Seminary my homiletics professor waxed eloquent on more than one occasion on the advantages of expository preaching, as opposed to topical preaching or textual preaching.  Among the advantages he reiterated were that it keeps the preacher from riding hobby horses, it gives the people a balanced diet, and it allows the Bible to speak for itself.   There is another important factor which I don’t recall my prof mentioning, namely that expository preaching forces…

James 1:1-12

When Troubles Pile Up TO HEAR THE ENTIRE SERMON CLICK THE LISTEN BUTTON ABOVE Introduction:  For the next several months, Lord willing, we will be mining one of the mother lodes of practical Christianity, the Epistle of James.  Some in the early church questioned whether this book was up to par with the rest of Scripture, and Martin Luther was quite sure it wasn’t, but the dominant view of the church has always been that while the Epistle of James has a…

James 5:7-12

Lord, Give me Patience–Now! Last Sunday James offered us a “word to the wealthy,” rebuking the wicked who misuse riches in flagrant disregard of godly principles of stewardship.  Pastor Phil did a really good job sharing that theme with us.  Today our Scripture passage considers the other side of the coin:  what about those who get the short end of the stick–the poor, the downtrodden and the suffering?   There is a theological movement that has developed in many liberal denominations over the past…

Ruth 3

Strategic Righteousness We come this morning to the 3rd chapter of the Book of Ruth, where the romance between Ruth and Boaz develops into full bloom.  For the sake of those who haven’t been with us the past few weeks, this Old Testament narrative tells the story of an Arab girl from Moab who married a Jewish boy from Bethlehem.  His parents, Elimelech and Naomi, had left Israel and traveled to Moab because of a famine.  After Elimelech died, both…