Sermons on Hate

Sermons on Hate

John 15:9-16:4

SERIES: The Gospel of John No Greater Love; No Greater Hate SPEAKER: Michael P. Andrus Introduction:  I don’t know how long it has been since you purchased a diamond.  For me it was over 29 years ago.  But I remember well how the jeweler sold me on it.  He pulled it out of a box, flipped it up in the air and slapped it on his wrist, saying, “How do you like that baby!”  No, you know better.  He did what every jeweler does.  He picked it…

Genesis 37

When Parents Play Favorites TO HEAR THE ENTIRE SERMON CLICK THE LISTEN BUTTON ABOVE We’re going to focus our attention on one of the great heroes of the OT–Joseph.  The philosopher Hegel once observed that if history teaches us anything it is that history teaches us nothing.  His point was that we so often fail to learn from the past.  But the fact is God put a lot of it in his Word.  We naturally gravitate more to the doctrinal, the prophetic, and the…