Sermons on False Teaching

Sermons on False Teaching

2 Timothy 2

A Shepherd’s Most Important Task: Feed the Flock SPEAKER: Michael P. Andrus            Note:  This sermon was preached at College Avenue Baptist Church in San Diego in 2005.  I was asked to speak at the installation of my dear friend Carlton Harris as Pastor.      Introduction:  When Carlton called and asked me to come and preach at his installation service, I told him I would pray about God’s will in the matter, hung up the phone, and immediately asked my wife to order some airline…

Matthew 7:13-20

How to Get to Heaven Introduction:  For several months now we have been studying together the Sermon on the Mount–that incomparable message Jesus shared with His disciples early in his ministry, allowing the crowds to listen in. The overall theme of the Sermon is God’s standard of righteousness, which is diametrically opposed to the self-righteous, self-sufficient, and hypocritical standards of human beings. Jesus has shown us what His kingdom is like and what its citizens should be like. Now He presents…

Numbers 11:16-30, Luke 9:49-62

SERIES: Hard Questions for Thoughtful Christians and the Inquiring Skeptics Is Tolerance a Virtue or a Vice?  SPEAKER: Michael P. Andrus Introduction:  Today is the fourth in a series of nine messages on Hard Questions for Thoughtful Christians and Inquiring Skeptics.  Today I want to ask the question, “Is Tolerance a Virtue or a Vice?”  And I want to answer my own question with a firm, unequivocal, “It depends.”  I have here a magazine whose cover asks the question, “Why are Christians So Intolerant?”  I…