Sermons on Evangelism
John 4:27-38
SERIES: The Gospel of John Fields Ripe for Harvest SPEAKER: Michael P. Andrus Introduction: Have you ever stopped to think how much of life revolves around food? When you add up the time and money spent on shopping for it, storing it, preparing it, eating and drinking it, cleaning up afterward, or even going out to a restaurant for it, food obviously consumes more of our time than anything other than work and sleep, and more of our money than anything other…
Romans 10:1-17
Our Responsibility in Salvation Introduction: And now for the rest of the story …. If you were here last Sunday you heard a very strong message on the sovereignty of God. Romans 9 can almost take our theological breath away, as it teaches that God does what He wants with His creatures, and there is no one who can accuse Him of being unjust or unfair—because He is God. He makes choices among men before they are ever born, and those choices are not…
1 Cor. 4:14-21
Marks of a Good Discipler Note: This sermon was preached at First Free in Wichita in 1985. Introduction: Last words are important words. I don’t care if it’s the last words a coach says to his team before they take the field in the championship game, or the last words a President says before he leaves office, or the last words a loved one whispers before he dies. No words are considered more important than last words. Is it any surprise, then, that the…
1 Cor. 9:19-23
Friendship Evangelism SCRIPTURE: 1 Cor. 9:19-23 Introduction: It is not a matter of significant debate that the church at large is not fulfilling Christ’s commands in the area of either evangelism or discipleship with any great degree of effectiveness. While some Christians are regularly engaged in sharing their faith, many go through the average week, or even month, without a single verbal witness regarding their faith in Christ. All of us acknowledge that witnessing is important; we know that God says that “he who…
1 Corinthians 14:20-40
The Gift of Tongues: Restricted in Public SCRIPTURE: 1 Corinthians 14:20-40 Introduction: Last Lord’s Day we opened a dialogue on the spiritual gift of speaking in tongues and the companion gift of interpretation of tongues. We did this because we are in the process of preaching through the book of 1 Corinthians, and chapter 14 is the principal passage on this gift in the Bible. In fact, it is the only chapter that gives us instructions concerning the use and misuse of this…
1 Corinthians 16:1‑9
Spreading the Flame by Giving and Going SCRIPTURE: 1 Corinthians 16:1‑9 Introduction: An interesting thing has happened to me over the past six months. I find the new vision of our church everywhere I look in my study of Scripture, which is encouraging, because it reminds me of how biblically based it is. I also see the vision being lived out in the lives of many of my fellow believers, which also greatly encourages me. The vision, as you well know, is that “we…
Jude 17-25
How to Survive in the Last Days SCRIPTURE: Jude 17-25 SPEAKER: Michael P. Andrus We come today to the end of a month-long study of one of the briefest books in the Bible. But however brief it is, I don’t think any of us would now consider it inconsequential or light-weight. Jude has forced us to examine our own hearts as individuals and to ask hard questions about leadership in the Church. I was particularly touched when one of our lay teachers told…
Acts 1:1-14
From Small Beginnings Introduction: The opening verses of the book of Acts pick up right where we left off last Sunday. On Easter Sunday we found Jesus walking with two of His disciples on the Road to Emmaus and dispelling their spiritual depression by revealing Himself to them as the living, risen Christ. Now in the early verses of Acts the 40 days of Christ’s post-resurrection ministry are summarized, climaxed by His ascension to Heaven. Let’s read Acts 1:1-11: The first account I composed, Theophilus,…
Acts 2:41-47
The Holy Spirit Builds Strong Bodies Introduction: When I was a kid, I absolutely loved Wonder Bread. It was so soft and white, and it made such excellent dough balls when it was wadded up. And when my mom hesitated to buy it, I made sure she knew that Wonder Bread builds strong bodies twelve ways, a truth I was privy to from watching Gene Autry and Howdy Doody, which only the geezers in our audience will relate to. I can’t recall what any…
Acts 8
Spreading the Flame TO HEAR THE ENTIRE SERMON CLICK THE LISTEN BUTTON ABOVE Introduction: The Scripture text before us today, Acts chapter 8, can be studied biographically or geographically. If we take a biographical focus we discover there are 4 main characters—two positive and two negative: there is Saul the Persecutor, Philip the Evangelist, Simon the Magician, and the Ethiopian eunuch. But there is also a strong geographical focus in the chapter, as it describes the spread of the Gospel beyond Jerusalem and Judea…