Sermons on Easy Believism

Sermons on Easy Believism

Job 42

SERIES: The Book of Job Epilogue to the Book of Job SPEAKER:  Brad Harper Note: Brad Harper preached this sermon on September 26, which was the Sunday after my serious car accident with a horse.  We do not have the manuscript of this sermon, but the audio is available.  Below is the outline. Introduction:  We come this morning to the close of our four-month study of the Book of Job.  The Epilogue is a welcome conclusion to the troubling ordeal God has put Job through, but…

Job 42

SERIES: The Book of Job Epilogue to the Book of Job SPEAKER: Michael P. Andrus Note:  This sermon was never finished and never preached, and thus there is no audio.  I had been working ahead, planning to preach this passage on September 26, but the previous Monday I was involved in a very serious car accident with a horse.  I didn’t preach again until October 17, when I returned to the Book of Job for a final message.  Pastor Brad Harper preached on chapter…