Sermons on Criticism
1 Corinthians 9:1‑18
He Practiced What He Preached SCRIPTURE: 1 Corinthians 9:1‑18 Introduction: The topic of our text today is one I do not relish. It deals in part with the question of whether pastors should be paid. This topic, however, is really only used by the Apostle Paul as an illustration of a broader theme which he began in chapter 8 and continues through chapter 10, namely the theme of Christian liberty and the need to limit that liberty by love for one another. If you were…
Luke 9:49-62
Tolerance, the Dangerous Virtue TO HEAR THE ENTIRE SERMON CLICK THE LISTEN BUTTON ABOVE Introduction: One doesn’t normally think of virtues as being dangerous. It’s vices that are dangerous. But probably any virtue we can think of—love, patience, peace, honesty, you name it—can become a vice if applied in the wrong way or with the wrong motive. I think that is especially true of the virtue our Scripture passage focuses on this morning, the virtue of tolerance. Tolerance is a rather hard trait to…
Luke 9:49-62
Is Tolerance a Virtue or a Vice? Today is the fourth in a series of nine messages on Hard Questions for Thoughtful Christians and Inquiring Skeptics. Today I want to ask the question, “Is Tolerance a Virtue or a Vice?” And I want to answer my own question with a firm, unequivocal, “It depends.” I have here a magazine whose cover asks the question, “Why are Christians So Intolerant?” I believe that’s a legitimate question, because there are many people who need the Lord…
James 3:1-12
Tongue in Check Introduction: When I was a kid and my mom took me to the doctor, the first thing he would say, no matter what the problem, was “Stick out your tongue!” Then he would gag me with a little stick. I believe Dr. James would say the same thing if we went to him concerning some problem with our spiritual health—stick out your tongue! According to a recent study the average person speaks 18,000 words a day. That is the equivalent of…
Ecclesiastes 7-11
Sharp Goads and Hard Nails Note: This sermon is a summary of Ecclesiastes 7-11. Please turn in your Bible to Ecclesiastes 12. I want us to begin reading at verse 9: Not only was the Teacher wise, but also he imparted knowledge to the people. He pondered and searched out and set in order many proverbs. The Teacher searched to find just the right words, and what he wrote was upright and true. The words of the wise are like goads, their collected sayings like…