Sermons on Conscience
Joshua 24:19
SERIES: Our Great and Awesome God The Holiness and Jealousy of God SPEAKER: Michael P. Andrus PLACE: Dallas Theological Seminary DATE: October, 1996 According to Genesis 1-3 God created man in His own image and likeness. According to twentieth century theology, however, it seems that man has created God in his image. The God of many people today is a God concocted from those characteristics man admires most. Thus one hears a great deal about God as a God of love, mercy, compassion, benevolence, grace, forgiveness, patience, and…
1 Samuel 24, 26
SERIES: Leadership in Hard Times Vengeance is Mine SCRIPTURE: 1 Samuel 24, 26 SPEAKER: Michael P. Andrus Introduction: Revenge has been called life’s most subtle temptation. It’s also one of life’s most frequent temptations. It’s subtle because we are never tempted to take vengeance without provocation, and if we’re provoked it’s easy to justify our response. And it’s frequent because the provocations in life are so numerous. A guy cuts you off in traffic, a friend snubs you, your spouseirritates you, the boss gives someone else credit for a job you did, your father or mother ground you for something…
Romans 2:1-16
Are Good People Lost, Too? Introduction: We enter today into the second section of the bad news portion of the book of Romans. In the first section the Apostle Paul asked the question, “Are the unreached really lost and on their way to hell?” and answered it with a resounding, “Yes.” They are without excuse because they know God through nature and conscience, yet they consistently violate His commandments. As we open the second chapter today, he asks a related question, “Are good people…
Romans 14:13-23
Liberty Limited by Love Introduction: Let’s begin this morning by reading our Scripture text, Romans 14:13-23. Therefore let us stop passing judgment on one another. Instead, make up your mind not to put any stumbling block or obstacle in your brother’s way. {14} As one who is in the Lord Jesus, I am fully convinced that no food is unclean in itself. But if anyone regards something as unclean, then for him it is unclean. {15} If your brother is…
1 Cor. 8:1‑13
Freedom Has Its Limits SCRIPTURE: 1 Cor. 8:1‑13DATE: March 25, 2001 Introduction: Fifty years ago last month my father accepted a pastorate in the Old Orchard area of Webster Groves. This delightful little church was my home from age 7 to 17. There are a number of individuals here this morning who were part of that congregation–wonderful people who have built significantly into my life. There were in that church, however, some people who had quite a long laundry list of issues by which…
Matt 27:1-10
SERIES: The Good News, as Reported by Matthew Deadly Remorse Introduction: Centuries ago in Italy, an artist set out to paint a mural of the life of Christ in one of the great cathedrals. When he got to the scene of Jesus at age twelve debating the teachers of the Law in the Temple, he searched for just right person to serve as his model, choosing a handsome young man with a wholesome and intelligent appearance. Years later as the artist approached the final…
Genesis 42-44
Time Alone Doesn’t Heal a Guilty Conscience Our Scripture text today covers three full chapters of Genesis. Obviously if we read the entire portion there would be time for little else. On the other hand, I cannot tell the story nearly as well as the author has told it. So with your indulgence I am going to read most of it, with selected repetitive portions left out. This is indeed one of the great stories of the Bible, and I think you will profit…
Hebrews 9:1-14
How to Clear a Guilty Conscience God has been very good to me. I have a wonderful wife, two fine sons, two lovely daughters-in-law, four grandkids, a nice home, a job I love, faithful friends, and excellent health. I’ve never missed a meal, divorce has not touched my birth family for many generations, I’ve never been unemployed, and my parents and grandparents have lived into their 90’s. I’ve had relatively little suffering, as compared to many of God’s people. My life, however, has…
2 Cor. 1:12-2:4
When Your Integrity Is Impugned TO HEAR THE ENTIRE SERMON CLICK THE LISTEN BUTTON ABOVE Introduction: One of the most painful experiences we can endure is to have our integrity attacked, especially when we have gone out of our way to do what is right. Has that happened to you lately? It has to me; I guess it just comes with the territory when you’re a church leader. But I have plenty of friends in the corporate world and education who face the…