Sermons on Children

Sermons on Children

Ephesians 6:1-9

Living Our Faith at Home and at Work SPEAKER:  Michael P. Andrus Note:  This sermon was preached at GraceFirst EFC in Wichita in November 2024.   Introduction.  It’s always good to be back here at GraceFirst.  Pastor Tim has become a dear friend, to go along with the dozens of dear friends we have known here for well over 40 years.   The passage Tim has given me today comes at the end of a section of Ephesians dealing with Spirit-filled family relationships.  The principal relationship, of…

Job 1:1-5

SERIES: The Book of Job Man of Perseverance, Man of Piety SPEAKER:  Michael P. Andrus Introduction:  Have you heard of the perseverance of Job?  The Apostle James assumes you have, for in the last chapter of his NT epistle he is recounting the blessings that come through endurance and says, “You have heard of Job’s perseverance and have seen what the Lord finally brought about.  The Lord is full of compassion and mercy.”  Whenever we think of Job, certain word associations immediately enter our minds—not just…

Psalm 127

SERIES: Psalms, Cries of the Heart Straight Arrows SPEAKER: Michael P. Andrus Note:  This was a fifth Sunday, and the service was devoted to musical worship, baptism, child dedication, communion, and a brief message. Introduction:  We’re delighted to have our families worshiping together this morning.  The Children’s Ministry is taking a one-week break between Passport to Adventure and the Fall Sunday School program, and therefore the children are here with us in the service this morning.  We welcome you and we hope you enjoy…

Colossians 3:18-21

Renewing Our Passion for Family SCRIPTURE: Colossians 3:18-21 SPEAKER: Michael P. Andrus Introduction:  Our brief but profound text for today is found in Colossians 3:18-21: Wives, submit yourselves to your husbands, as is fitting in the Lord. Husbands, love your wives and do not be harsh with them. Children, obey your parents in everything, for this pleases the Lord. Fathers, do not embitter your children, or they will become discouraged. Bible scholar Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones has stated, “The failure to understand and implement…

Matthew 18:1-9; 19:13-15

Too Small to Ignore Introduction:  Today we are returning to the Life of Christ.  We started studying the book of Matthew back in 2006 and completed the first eight chapters by June of ‘07.  We picked it up again from Thanksgiving to this past Easter, covering chapters 9-17.  Today we start in chapter 18 and, Lord willing, we will finish this amazing book by Easter, with a few planned interruptions along the way.  We will not preach every single passage, because we have already studied…

Luke 18:15-34

What Must I Do to Receive Eternal Life?   Introduction:  Anyone who takes seriously the responsibility of sharing his faith with unbelievers knows that one of the most important aspects of evangelism is finding an opening to bring the Gospel into a conversation.  Last Tuesday I was returning from a short trip to Minneapolis and happened to be seated next to a man on his way to Fort Lauderdale for business.  We struck up a conversation, first about the weather (that’s always a good…