Sermons by Michael Andrus (Page 6)
1 Samuel 18
Jealousy, the Jaundice of the Soul SPEAKER: Michael P. Andrus Introduction: In our study of the OT book of 1 Samuel, we have discovered that Saul, the tall, brave, and charismatic first king of Israel, has been sliding down the slippery slope of spiritual defection. He who once had so much going for him has demonstrated an amazing lack of integrity, a narcissistic spirit of independence, and virtually no heart for God. So, God has already declared him bankrupt and has anointed the…
1 Samuel 18-23
SERIES: Leadership in Hard Times Every Leader Needs a Friend SPEAKER: Michael P. Andrus Introduction: I used to play a little game with my son Andy when he was just a toddler. I would set him on my lap and ask, “Andy, who’s your best friend in the whole world?” If he was in an ornery mood, which was almost always, he would say, “Mommy,” at which I feign great displeasure and tickle him until he changed his answer to “Daddy.” At times…
1 Samuel 21-23
SERIES: Leadership in Hard Times The Wilderness: A Difficult but Wonderful Place SPEAKER: Michael P. Andrus Introduction: I have a strange fascination with the wilderness–whether you’re talking about the rainforest of Brazil or the barren mountains of Sinai or the Badlands of South Dakota. I love getting away from the trappings of civilization and enjoying nature as God created it. If I could spend a month anywhere in the world, I would probably choose southern Utah. There are places there where you can drive…
1 Samuel 24, 26
SERIES: Leadership in Hard Times Vengeance is Mine SCRIPTURE: 1 Samuel 24, 26 SPEAKER: Michael P. Andrus Note to David: This is from a series I did in 1988 in St. Louis. Check to see if you have the tape. Introduction: Revenge has been called life’s most subtle temptation. It’s also one of life’s most frequent temptations. It’s subtle because we are never tempted to take vengeance without provocation, and if we’re provoked it’s easy to justify our response. And it’s frequent because the provocations in life are so numerous. A guy cuts…
1 Samuel 25
SERIES: Leadership in Hard Times How to Lead When You’re Not the Leader SPEAKER: Michael P. Andrus For the past three or four months we have been devoting our Sunday morning Bible study time to the OT historical book of 1 Samuel. I entitled this series, “Leadership in Hard Times.” The leaders we have examined–both good and bad–have been men, but this morning we come to a passage which focuses upon the leadership of a woman. She is not well-known, even to serious…
1 Samuel 27, 29-31
SERIES: Leadership in Hard Times Leading by Grace SPEAKER: Michael P. Andrus For the sake of the children (and any guests we might have with us today), I want you to know that here in Big Church we have been studying the OT book of 1 Samuel, and particularly the lives of Saul and David, the first two kings of Israel. The children were provided a work sheet to help them benefit from this morning. Even if you haven’t been with…
1 Samuel 28
SERIES: Leadership in Hard Times Saul and the Medium of Endor SPEAKER: Michael P. Andrus Introduction: There is a phenomenon sweeping our country that is as old as civilization and as new as the past week’s headlines. It is “the occult.” Shirley MacLaine has sold over 10 million books advocating channeling. George Lucas, perhaps the most successful movie producer of all time, has succeeded in substituting “the Force” for God in the vocabulary of millions of America’s youth. Nancy Reagan has for years consulted an…
SERIES: Our Great and Awesome God The Kindness and Severity of God SPEAKER: Michael P. Andrus PLACE: Dallas Theological Seminary DATE: October, 1996 I want to speak to you today from Romans 11, verse 22, “Consider therefore the kindness and severity (sternness in NIV) of God: severity to those who fell, but kindness to you, provided that you continue in his kindness. Otherwise, you also will be cut off.” When Paul speaks of the kindness and severity of God, he clearly does so within the context of…
2 Timothy 1:8-18
SERIES: Entrusted with the Gospel The Fellowship of the Unashamed SPEAKER: Michael P. Andrus Introduction: Last Lord’s Day Pastor Josh shared with us very poignantly about how he could relate to Timothy, the young protégée of the Apostle Paul to whom he addresses this powerful personal letter we know as 2 Timothy. Josh saw in Timothy’s background some of the same family of origins issues which he himself experienced, namely the absence of a godly father in the home. While Paul praises Timothy’s mother…
2 Timothy 2
A Shepherd’s Most Important Task: Feed the Flock SPEAKER: Michael P. Andrus Note: This sermon was preached at College Avenue Baptist Church in San Diego in 2005. I was asked to speak at the installation of my dear friend Carlton Harris as Pastor. Introduction: When Carlton called and asked me to come and preach at his installation service, I told him I would pray about God’s will in the matter, hung up the phone, and immediately asked my wife to order some airline…
2 Timothy 3:1-15
Entrusted With the Gospel Religious Sinners in the Last Days SPEAKER: Michael P. Andrus Introduction: What is the greatest threat to the church of Jesus Christ in the last days? Is it secular humanism? Is it the new atheism? Is it the ACLU? Is it government efforts to limit religious freedom? Is it the movement that seeks to redefine marriage and the sexual mores that have been accepted in principle for 2000 years? All of these are, in my humble opinion, a threat to biblical Christianity, but not…
2 Timothy 3:16-17
SERIES: Entrusted With the Gospel Can the Bible Be Trusted? SPEAKER: Michael P. Andrus Introduction: I want to be very up-front with you this morning. I am one of those old-fashioned preachers who believes the Bible is free from error–not just in its lofty spiritual affirmations, but in everything it intends to teach. I have been studying the Bible almost full-time now for 50 years (I started Bible college in 1962), and I haven’t found an error in it yet. There are some issues I…