Sermons by Michael Andrus (Page 52)

Sermons by Michael Andrus (Page 52)

Ruth 3

Strategic Righteousness We come this morning to the 3rd chapter of the Book of Ruth, where the romance between Ruth and Boaz develops into full bloom.  For the sake of those who haven’t been with us the past few weeks, this Old Testament narrative tells the story of an Arab girl from Moab who married a Jewish boy from Bethlehem.  His parents, Elimelech and Naomi, had left Israel and traveled to Moab because of a famine.  After Elimelech died, both…

Ruth 4

Drama at the City Gate We come today to the end of our month-long study of the Book of Ruth.  We began this series with the observation that “everyone loves a good romance,” and last Lord’s Day we saw the relationship between Ruth and Boaz develop into a full-blown love affair.  Even more importantly, we saw how their relationship serves as an incredible picture of the divine romance between God and His people. Ruth was a poverty-stricken foreign widow who…