Sermons by Michael Andrus (Page 33)

Sermons by Michael Andrus (Page 33)

Matthew 27:11–26

SERIES: The Good News, as Reported by Matthew  Basin Theology  SCRIPTURE:  Matt 27:11–26                               SPEAKER: Michael P. Andrus        Introduction:  We are literally just hours from the crucifixion as we open Matthew 27 this morning.  Three weeks ago we examined the religious trial of Jesus at the palaces of Annas and then Caiaphas.  Two weeks ago we considered the betrayal of Judas and that man’s tragic suicide.  This morning we focus our attention on Pilate.  His remarkable witness about the character of Jesus is especially valuable since it…

Matthew 27:27-44

SERIES: The Good News, as Reported by Matthew The Crucifixion of Jesus SCRIPTURE:  Matthew 27:27-44        Introduction:  It is my intention to preach over the next four Sundays on the last four events of Passion Week–the crucifixion of Jesus, His death, His burial, and His resurrection.  The Apostle Paul regarded these truths as “first in importance” (1 Cor. 15:3), and they remain every bit as important today.  They form the very foundation of the Christian message.   No loftier theme can occupy a believer’s time than the life and…

Matthew 27:45-56

The Death of Jesus SCRIPTURE:  Matthew 27:45-56        SPEAKER: Michael P. Andrus            Introduction:  We come this morning to the pivotal point in all of human history.  Our calendars are set to the birth of Christ–B.C. and A.D.–but God’s calendar is set to the death of Christ.  It was at Jesus’ death the Old Covenant ended and the New Covenant began.  It was at Jesus’ death the detailed demands of the Mosaic Law were canceled and God began to deal with us as adults.  Prior to the death…

Matthew 27:57-66

The Burial of Jesus SCRIPTURE:  Matthew 27:57-66                                   SPEAKER: Michael P. Andrus                                                   Introduction:  Over the past six weeks we have considered Peter’s denial, Judas’ betrayal, Jesus’ arrest and religious trial, His political trial, His crucifixion, and His death.  Today we come to the burial of Jesus.  A question that may cross your mind this morning might be, “Is the burial of Jesus really worth a sermon all by itself?”  Many apparently think not, for His burial is frequently passed over quickly in commentaries and sermons as…

Matthew 28:1-15

Gone! SCRIPTURE:  Matthew 28:1-15         SPEAKER: Michael P. Andrus                                                   Introduction:  A sharp, creative realtor came up with the idea.  I refer to the practice after the sale of a house of placing one word, four large letters, across the “for sale” sign.  The old word was “SOLD.”  The emerging new, more picturesque word in vogue in some areas today is “GONE.”  It is direct, succinct, and conveys the idea of quick and efficient success.  It’s the kind of sign that makes other potential sellers say, “I want to…

Matthew 28:18-20, Matthew 22:34-40

The Great Commission and the Great Commandment SCRIPTURE: Matthew 28:18-20, Matthew 22:34-40 SPEAKER: Michael P. Andrus Note:  This sermon was preached at First Free St. Louis in a series on Marks of a Healthy Church. For some three months now we have been examining the Marks of a Healthy Church.  We began the first Sunday in September with five messages on Worship, then  Theology: The Queen of the Sciences Must Recover Her Crown Preaching: How Shall They Hear Without a Preacher? Christian Community:…

Acts 1:1-14

From Small Beginnings Introduction:  The opening verses of the book of Acts pick up right where we left off last Sunday.  On Easter Sunday we found Jesus walking with two of His disciples on the Road to Emmaus and dispelling their spiritual depression by revealing Himself to them as the living, risen Christ.  Now in the early verses of Acts the 40 days of Christ’s post-resurrection ministry are summarized, climaxed by His ascension to Heaven.  Let’s read Acts 1:1-11: The first account I composed, Theophilus,…

Acts 2:1-21

The Birthday of the Church Introduction:  When my second son, Andrew, was born two and a half years ago I had the incredible privilege of watching the event.  I wouldn’t trade that experience for anything, but the fact is that it was a time of many varied emotions.  In addition to sheer awe at the miracle of birth, I experienced a mixture of fear, doubt, humor, exhaustion, pride, humility, and many other feelings.  Birth is such an awesome event that I suppose most people…

Acts 2:22-41

The Lordship of Christ: A Borrowed Sermon TO HEAR THE ENTIRE SERMON CLICK ON THE LISTEN BUTTON ABOVE Introduction: Recently I had the privilege of performing a wedding for a couple in our church.  Since our facilities are not quite adequate for such a special occasion, a church was rented by the bride’s family.  This was a large, well-known church of a mainline denomination, and the personnel in that church were extremely cooperative; they could not have been more accommodating.   There was,…

Acts 2:41-47

The Holy Spirit Builds Strong Bodies  Introduction:  When I was a kid, I absolutely loved Wonder Bread.  It was so soft and white, and it made such excellent dough balls when it was wadded up.  And when my mom hesitated to buy it, I made sure she knew that Wonder Bread builds strong bodies twelve ways, a truth I was privy to from watching Gene Autry and Howdy Doody, which only the geezers in our audience will relate to.  I can’t recall what any…

Acts 3:1-26

The Powerful Name of Jesus Introduction:  Acts 3 is linked to Acts 2 not only in their proximity to one another.  They are also linked inseparably in regard to content.  The gift of the Holy Spirit to the Church, as witnessed so powerfully in the second chapter, is intended, in turn, to offer Spirit-filled people as a gift to the world, a world full of lame, paralyzed, hurting people.  The evidence of the Spirit’s filling will never be confined to the believer’s personal life,…

Acts 4:1-35

No Other Name Introduction:  We have a hard time relating to persecution, don’t we?  Most of us have never known significant opposition to our faith in Christ.  The worst we can claim is that we were once the butt of a religious joke or that a relative thinks we’re fanatical, or maybe a door was slammed in our face while canvassing our neighborhood on behalf of a Sunday School contest.   Not everyone is so fortunate.  This Wednesday, I understand, a verdict will be handed…