Sermons by Michael Andrus (Page 20)

Sermons by Michael Andrus (Page 20)

Romans 8:18-25

The Agony and the Ecstasy[i]   Introduction:  One of the most distinguishing features of biblical Christianity is its philosophy of suffering.  Some religions deny the reality of pain and suffering altogether, calling it an illusion.  Others attribute suffering to the fact that God is finite and thus unable to eliminate it.  There is a view held by some evangelicals that suffering is never God’s will and is simply the result of weak faith.  Jesus and His Apostles, however, took a very balanced approach toward suffering.  They acknowledged…

Romans 8:31-39

Secure in God’s Love   Introduction:  I love the mountains.  To me there’s nothing more exhilarating than climbing one of the 14,000-foot mountain peaks in Colorado and feasting on the 360-degree view from the top. There’s a perspective one gets from the top that is unavailable anywhere else.  It’s even better than the view from an airplane because you’re so much closer to it.  Well, Romans is the Himalayan mountain range of the Bible, and chapter 8 is Mount Everest.  It begins with “no condemnation” and ends…

Romans 9-11

The Jewish Problem  Introduction:  Of all the nations in the history of mankind, the one that has been the center of controversy more than any other has been the nation of Israel.  Nearly 4,000 years ago, while Egypt was a world empire, the Jewish nation was born.  It soon became a burr under Egypt’s saddle and remained so until the Pharaoh let them go to the Promised Land.  The Assyrian, Babylonian, Medo-Persian, and Greek empires in succession focused an inordinate amount of attention on…

Romans 9:6-26

Let God Be God!   Introduction:  Romans, chapter 9, is the graveyard of many a well-intentioned Bible scholar and pastor.  There are verses in this chapter which are among the most difficult in the Bible.  Christians have choked on them for centuries, and otherwise capable expositors have performed interpretive abortions on them in a vain attempt to get them to say something other than what they say.   In all honesty, I don’t think Romans 9 is all that difficult for those who are willing…

Romans 10:1-17

Our Responsibility in Salvation   Introduction:  And now for the rest of the story ….  If you were here last Sunday you heard a very strong message on the sovereignty of God.  Romans 9 can almost take our theological breath away, as it teaches that God does what He wants with His creatures, and there is no one who can accuse Him of being unjust or unfair—because He is God.  He makes choices among men before they are ever born, and those choices are not…

Romans 11:11-24

The Kindness and Severity of God   Introduction:  I want to speak to you today from Romans 11, verse 22: “Consider therefore the kindness and severity (sternness in NIV) of God:  severity to those who fell, but kindness to you, provided that you continue in his kindness.  Otherwise, you also will be cut off.”  When Paul speaks of the kindness and severity of God, he clearly does so within the context of God’s dealings with the Jewish people.   This text comes near the end of a three-chapter parenthesis…

Romans 11:33-36

The Wisdom and Knowledge of God   Introduction: “The chief end of man,” according to the Westminster Shorter Catechism, “is to glorify God and to enjoy Him forever.”  But how do we glorify God?  What actions on our part redound to His honor, praise and glory?  Well, there are many.  For example, Unity in the Church glorifies God.  (Rom. 15:6) Simple faith in His Word glorifies God.  (Acts 13:48) Handling suffering well glorifies God.  (Rom. 8:17) Our obedience and faithful service glorifies God.  (2 Cor. 9:13) But beyond everything else…

Romans 12:1-2

Transformed, Not Conformed   Introduction:  From last Thanksgiving until the end of June I taught you from the book of Romans, the magnum opus of the greatest theologian in the history of the Christian church. In those first eleven chapters we were confronted with the profoundest of theological themes, from sin to justification to sanctification to glorification. Today we return to the book of Romans, and the first word we find in chapter 12 is a clear indication of transition. It is…

Romans 12:1-8

Right Thinking About Yourself   Introduction:  Our Scripture text today is Romans 12:1-8:   Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God—this is your spiritual act of worship. {2} Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.  {3} For…

Romans 12:9-21

Love Without Wax   Introduction:  Ray Stedman shares the story of a man who was passing a used bookstore when he spotted a volume in the window which caught his attention.  The book was entitled, How to Hug.  Feeling kind of lonely, he stepped inside to purchase the book.  To his chagrin he discovered that it was Vol. 13 of a set of encyclopedias and covered the alphabet from H-O-W to H-U-G, “How to Hug.”[i] Could it be there’s an analogy to the Church in that…

Romans 13:8-14

The Unpayable Debt   Introduction:  Our national debt stands right at five trillion dollars—about $17,500 for every man, woman, and child in the United States.  To grasp just how much money this is, if you spent $5,000 every minute, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, you would have had to start when Jesus Christ lived on earth to spend $5 trillion by the end of this millennium.  (Note added in 2022:  our debt just surpassed $30 trillion!) Some economists and some politicians are…

Romans 14:1-12

Respecting One Another’s Lifestyle Choices  Introduction:  One of the greatest arguments for the validity of Christianity has always been its ability to bring together people from segments of society that would normally be estranged from one another.  In Christ (the New Testament teaches), social, cultural, economic, and gender barriers are broken down. The tangible evidence of this is the local church, which operates on the basis of mutual love between those whose only common denominator may be their relationship to Jesus Christ…