John (Page 2)

John (Page 2)

John 5:16-30

SERIES: The Gospel of John He’s His Father’s Son SPEAKER: Michael P. Andrus Note to David:  I have changed the title of this sermon but not the sermon itself. Introduction:  Have you ever heard anyone say of a boy, “My, he’s sure his father’s son, isn’t he?”  When someone says that about one of my sons, Eddie or Andy, I always cringe a bit until I find out whether the trait which they are comparing in us is a good one or a…

John 5:31-47

SERIES: The Gospel of John The Witness Stand SPEAKER: Michael P. Andrus Introduction: We are all familiar with a religious cult in our society known as the Jehovah’s Witnesses. They meet in Kingdom Halls and are well-known for their bold, door-to-door evangelism, which is their primary method of distributing literature from The Watchtower Society.  My concern with Jehovah’s Witnesses this morning is not their doctrine, which I have already identified as cultic rather than orthodox; rather my concern is with their…

John 6:1-29

SERIES: The Gospel of John The Way to a Man’s Heart is not Necessarily through His Stomach, or A Mid-Term in Faith SPEAKER: Michael P. Andrus Introduction:  We come this morning to one of the best known and best loved stories in the Bible—the feeding of the 5,000.  One of my seminary professors, Dr. S. Lewis Johnson, entitled his sermon on John 6, “The Feeding of the 15,000,” and he’s probably right, for Matthew indicates there were 5,000 men, besides women and children.  This is the…

John 6:30-71

SERIES: The Gospel of John How to Lose Friends and Offend People SPEAKER: Brad Harper Introduction:  Many years ago Dale Carnegie made a classic contribution to American social process with his book How to Win Friends and Influence People.  After studying John six this week, I became convinced that if such a book existed in the first century, Jesus had not read it.  For if someone were to write a book about the effects of Jesus’ sermon recorded in this chapter, it might be…

John 7:1-52

SERIES: The Gospel of John What Do You Think of Jesus? SPEAKER: Michael P. Andrus Introduction: About six months have passed since Jesus fed the 5,000, walked on water, and then delivered His great discourse on the Bread of Life.  It is now the middle of October, just six months before He is to be crucified.  For the most part He has stayed away from Jerusalem to avoid a premature confrontation with the religious leadership of the nation.  Instead, His primary ministry has…

John 7:53-8:11

SERIES: The Gospel of John  Portrait of a Prodigal Daughter SPEAKER: Michael P. Andrus Introduction:           “How I wish that there was some wonderful place                   Called the Land of Beginning Again,          Where all our mistakes and all our heartaches                   And all our poor selfish grief          Could be dropped like a shabby old coat at the door                   And never put on again.” The poet who wrote those words, Louisa Fletcher, was expressing a forlorn dream, but I believe there is a place called the…

John 8:12-30

SERIES: The Gospel of John Light for a Dark World SPEAKER: Michael P. Andrus Introduction:  I appreciated Alan Groh’s excellent song this morning, entitled “I Am.”  In the Gospel of John seven great “I am” statements come from the lips of Jesus, each involving an implicit claim to deity.  We have already examined “I am the Bread of Life;” today we come to “I am the Light of the World.”  If ever there was a time when this world needed light, it is today.  Let’s readJohn 8:12-30:          When…

John 8:31-47

SERIES: The Gospel of John A Word to the Gospel-Hardened SPEAKER: Michael P. Andrus Introduction:  There are some terms that have fallen out of the Christian vocabulary over the years, for better or worse.  When I was a boy one of those terms was “backslidden.”  A backslidden person was one who didn’t come to church as often as he used to or started smoking again or was spotted buying a six-pack out of the liquor store.  While the term has pretty much fallen into…

John 9

SERIES: The Gospel of John Light for Blind Eyes SPEAKER: Michael P. Andrus Introduction:  I’ll never forget Leo.  Back in the early ‘50s he attended the church my father pastored in Webster Groves, MO.  He carried a great big, thick Bible and he always brought his dog with him to church.  Leo was born totally blind.  He could read braille and even sang solos from braille song sheets.  I was so fascinated by Leo that I used to close my eyes and walk around trying to…

John 10:1-30

SERIES: The Gospel of John A Shepherd and His Sheep SPEAKER: Michael P. Andrus Introduction:  There are over 160 different animals mentioned in the Bible—from mountain goats to wild donkeys, from the ostrich to the hawk, from the hippopotamus to the crocodile.  Many of the animals are used to illustrate human characteristics.  But the animal imagery God uses more often than any other to describe His people is that of the sheep, and that is because people and sheep bear many similarities.  Both are…

John 11:1-53

SERIES: The Gospel of John Does Jesus Care? SPEAKER: Michael P. Andrus Introduction:  Dr. James Montgomery Boice, well-known evangelical scholar and pastor, preached nineteen 45-minute sermons on the 11th chapter of John.  I plan to do it in one 35-minute sermon.  Now I don’t know if that makes you feel cheated or greatly blessed, but I have decided to look at the whole rather than the parts, asking the simple question, “Does Jesus Care?”  He told us He does; in fact, just last week in chapter…

John 11

SERIES:  The Gospel of John Easter 2002: There IS Life After Death (and No Need for Fear) SPEAKER: Michael P. Andrus  Introduction:  Todd Beamer’s now-immortal words still echo through our minds: “Are you ready?  Let’s roll.”  The 32-year-old Wheaton College graduate and software salesman led other brave passengers in subduing the hijackers of United Flight 93, destined for who-know-what government building in Washington, D.C., with the tragic result that it crashed into a Pennsylvania field killing all aboard but saving countless lives on the…