2 Samuel (Page 2)

2 Samuel (Page 2)

2 Samuel 24

SERIES: David: A Person After God’s Heart David’s Greatest Sin        SPEAKER: Michael P. Andrus                             Introduction:  I regret that my sermon this morning is not a Mother’s Day sermon, but I also remind you that this is not a biblical holiday (though respect for mothers is certainly biblical–and not just the 2nd Sunday in May but every day).  Mother’s Day originated in 1908 when a spinster named Anna Jarvis started a letter-writing campaign to set aside a special day to honor mothers, her own…

2 Samuel, 1 Chronicles 28, 29

SERIES: David: A Person After God’s Heart Finishing Strong                     SPEAKER: Michael P. Andrus Introduction:  Just about a year ago we began our study of 1 & 2 Samuel.  Today we come to the conclusion of the life of David, a man after God’s own heart.  There is a great temptation to slow down just before reaching the finish line.  We see it each year in May when spring fever trips up many students on their way to final exams.  We see it in athletic competition.  Occasionally…
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