Sermons on 2 Samuel

Sermons on 2 Samuel

2 Samuel 1

SERIES: David: A Person After God’s Own Heart How the Mighty Have Fallen SPEAKER: Phil Thengvall Introduction:  When I began working on this sermon several weeks ago, I had already decided the primary focus would be the different ways people respond to death. What I did not know then was that today, January 2, 2005, the focus of the whole world would be on death, thousands, even tens of thousands of deaths. The tsunami of 2004 will probably go down in history…

2 Samuel 2-4

SERIES: David: A Person After God’s Heart Dealing With Boneheads SPEAKER: Michael P. Andrus                                Introduction:  I learned something shocking this week:  Wyatt Earp’s wife Josie died the year I was born–1944.  Honest.  Now that may confirm what some of you suspected–that I am really old, but what I wish you would take from it is that some events that seem ancient and remote are really rather recent and relevant.  Wyatt Earp himself died during the lifespan of many people in this room–on January 13, 1929.  He was once…

2 Samuel 4, 5

SERIES: A Person After God’s Heart Growing into a Person After God’s Heart SPEAKER: Michael P. Andrus                                                        Introduction:  Last Lord’s Day we learned that David, after over a decade of running and barely surviving, has finally become king; unfortunately, he is not king over all of Israel yet, but only of the one tribe of Judah.  He is, however, negotiating for the loyalty of the other eleven tribes–with Abner, commander of the army of Ish-Bosheth, Saul’s son and the illegitimate king of…

2 Samuel 6

SERIES: A Person After God’s Heart You Can’t Keep God in a Box SPEAKER: Michael P. Andrus                              Introduction:  David is the only one in Scripture who is called “a man after God’s heart.”  What earned him this epitaph?  We cannot answer the question fully until our study of David’s life is over, but each week we are getting hints.  Three weeks ago we saw David’s intense personal grief over the death of a mortal enemy; such an attitude is very godlike.  Then two weeks ago we…

2 Samuel 7

SERIES: David:  A Person After God’s Heart When God Says “No” SPEAKER: Michael P. Andrus                              Introduction:  Does God answer prayer?  Probably every one of you would answer, “Yes, of course!”  But what percentage of the time do you get what you ask for?  Forty percent, sixty percent, eighty percent?  Does that bother you?  Have you ever wondered if an atheist’s wishes are fulfilled any less often than a believer’s prayers?   The problem of unanswered prayer (or receiving an answer that is “no”) is one that every believer…

2 Samuel 9

SERIES: A Person After God’s Heart Loyal Love SPEAKER: Michael P. Andrus                              Introduction:  We come today to my favorite David story.  It is a story of love and loyalty and grace.  It is a story that will lead us right to the Cross.  Will you turn with me to the ninth chapter of 2 Samuel, and I will read from the NIV.  I invite you to stand as I read: David asked, “Is there anyone still left of the house of Saul to whom I…

2 Samuel 11

SERIES: David: A Person After God’s Heart Cancer in the Body                                                           SPEAKER: Michael P. Andrus                             Introduction: Friends, we come today to one of the saddest stories in the whole Bible–the story of David and Bathsheba.  It is sad because it reminds us of the fact that human beings, no matter how gifted or godly or successful, will always disappoint us eventually.  We dare not put our ultimate faith in people.  It’s sad, too, because it reminds us of our own failures in life–acts…

2 Samuel 12:1-14, Psalm 51

SERIES: David: A Person After God’s Heart He Said He Was Wrong SPEAKER: Michael P. Andrus                              Introduction:  John R. W. Stott, one of the great evangelical thinkers of our day, has stated, “Christianity is the only religion in the world which takes sin seriously and offers a satisfactory remedy for it.”  I believe that is true.  Examine the great religions of the world–Hinduism, Confucianism, Taoism, Islam, spiritism–and none even comes close to the moral standards set down in the Bible or offers a solution to…

2 Samuel 12ff, Galatians 6:7-8

SERIES: David: A Person After God’s Heart Sin Will Take You Further Than You Want to Go SPEAKER: Michael P. Andrus                             Introduction:  More than fifteen years ago Jan and I attended the Praise Gathering in Indianapolis that was sponsored for many years by the Gaithers.  On the last day I was tired after the third concert and I almost went back to my hotel room.  The Cathedral Quartet was singing, and I slipped into the back row.  They did a song that someone handed…

2 Samuel 12:1-14

SERIES: David: A Person After God’s Heart Caring Enough to Confront SPEAKER: Michael P. Andrus                             Introduction:  Suppose you discover that a good friend of yours is addicted to prescription medicine.  Or perhaps you learn that someone in your ABF is having an affair.  Or maybe a teenager hears that another kid in the youth group is sexually active.  What should you do about it?  Mind your own business?  Spread the information (so others can pray, of course)?  Turn them in?  Or should you confront them? One of the…

2 Samuel 13-18

SERIES: David: A Person After God’s Heart A Neglectful Father and a Rebellious Son: Recipe for Disaster SPEAKER: Michael P. Andrus                             Introduction:  Absalom is a person it is easy to dislike.  He murdered his brother, betrayed his father, and committed adultery in the sight of all Israel.  But I believe as we study his life in a little more detail, it is more appropriate to pity him than hate him, for the circumstances of his childhood were less than ideal.  No one, of course,…

2 Samuel 15, 16, 19

SERIES: David: A Person After God’s Heart Letting God Be God When Facing Injustice SPEAKER: Michael P. Andrus                              Introduction:  Think back to the last time you were treated unfairly or suffered unjustly.  Maybe it was a long time ago; more likely, it happened just this past week.  Either way, the memories are undoubtedly painful, because most of us have a very strong sense of fairness.  I think the thing I have had the most difficulty teaching my two boys over the years is that…
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